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Archive for October, 2012

Modern Magic (of Photography)

From CNN.

New GoPro 3

The GoPro3 was announced recently. I might like to get one. They're tiny and shoot great video. The Black Edition looks sweet and includes the WiFi remote. And get this: the specs say it can shoot 240 FPS video in 848 x 480? That's a much higher resolution than the 448 x 336 resolution we […]

Pinterest Explained

Found somewhere on the Internet: Pinterest is porn for women. They (male scientists) finally figured out how to get women to use the Internet for something other than shopping, and it is Pinterest. It's shopping without buying. Pretty brilliant.

Disc Golf Promo Video

Disc Golf from joe canali on Vimeo. 2012 GHdgO with David Feldberg, Cale Leiviska, Cameron Colglazier, Will Schusterick, Jeremy Koling, and Paige Pierce. The problem with disc golf is that there are stereotypes that, like most stereotypes, are grounded in reality.


Kindle Court Settlement

========================================== AMAZON.COM ========================================== Dear Kindle Customer, We have good news. You are entitled to a credit for some of your past e-book purchases as a result of legal settlements between several major e-book publishers and the Attorneys General of most U.S. states and territories, including yours. You do not need to do anything to receive […]

Woohoo! I have extended storage space through September 30, 2013! Not that I use any of the space on iCloud. I download my mail and I don't store documents or files on iCloud. iTunes Match doesn't really count (it has its own limits IIRC) and I'm not close to meeting them. I don't even back […]

I love this stuff from a physics, aerodynamics, and simple science perspective. Player Arm Speed and Power Technique Release Angle Wind Plastic Type Disc Weight Disc Condition Parting Line Height Here's a reasonable approximation of the discs I currently carry in their "base" or "average" shape:

DG The Fling

That's just a disc he cut up and made for himself, but he could probably sell them for $29 if he wanted to. You know, and make $7.64 at a time. 🙂


Quite literally days before I was going to buy a set of BuckyBalls from Amazon, there was some kerfuffle and they were taken off the market. You can still buy them at and I may do just that.

Design of Airline Luggage Tags

Here's an awesome article on the design of airline luggage tags - their evolution, the challenges faced, and the ways in which they've been overcome. My one tip? Don't fly through Detroit. It would not surprise me if 25% of lost luggage was flown through Detroit. 😛

When the public bets one team in an NFL football game 70% or higher, they win only 42.8% of the time. And the higher the bets, the worse their losing percentage is. Bookies gamble too. You can consistently win money betting football games if you apply this knowledge.

Picking up a Kindle Paperwhite

I've had a Kindle since the second generation. I've decided to either sell it or give it as a gift to someone because the Paperwhite looks to offer a great upgrade at a good price (I'm paying the $20 not to have to look at advertising, too). I've bolded the features that mean the most […]