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Archive for February, 2013

Good Michael Jordan Article

OTL: Michael Jordan Has Not Left The Building. He has, however, turned 50.

Invisible Motion in Video

That's nifty. I like the eye example more than the pulse stuff, but the pulse stuff might be the best application thus far.

New Eyeglasses

For years I've worn a pair of rimless Silhouette eyeglasses. They were lightweight, flexible, and worked well. I got a pair of sunglasses and a new pair in the same model four years ago, but it was time for a change. I ended up going with the Oakley Clubface frames. I didn't even know what […] Free Service's new direction. I still don't see the appeal of Twitter's been fine, and nobody I want to hear from is exclusively on

He needs one this year. And yes, I'm filling space. 🙂

What’s Wrong with SI?

From 2007: What's wrong with Sports Illustrated? Apparently SI is losing money and is in danger of going away very soon. The last time I seriously looked at an issue of SI ((Not including the waiting rooms at a doctor's office or something.)) was in high school.

Now I can! MLB Opens Its Vault to Destroy Your Productivity

What Months?

What months have 28 days? All of them! 🙂

If I could monetize planes and conveyor belts I'd be rich! That page is still getting traffic. Maybe that proves that there IS an idiot born every minute. 😛

A Peculiar Test Drive

I really hope to be able to afford a Tesla (i.e. I hope they become less expensive) some day, but these three posts tell an interesting tale of media bias. Why a journalist would be biased against electric cars I have no idea, but… there you have it. A Most Peculiar Test Drive | Blog […]

Brooks PureDrift Shoe Review

The takeaway: In conclusion, Brooks has a shoe with a great deal of potential in the PureDrift. The first incarnation has some shortcomings that I was able to remedy with an insole swap, but I think only some minor tweaks would be required to take this shoe to another level in future incarnations. I’d redesign […]

This article talks about how to get rid of duplicate entries in the "Open With…" contextual menu. I've had this command in my nightly (user) cron file for many months now: # Flush Launch Services Cache /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user

Wow. I hadn't ever heard of this.

Safari Still Craps Out Too Frequently

Seriously, it's 2013. I have 32 GB of RAM. And Safari still craps out all the time and has to reload every page I've loaded with as few as 20 tabs open. Rarely can you even close tabs to rectify the situation. It seems like once it gets into that state it won't let you […]

Why would iMovie's modal "Publishing to YouTube" window ever need to go fullscreen?