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Archive for August, 2013

Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs

For years there was this running joke that Steve had changed, that he was no longer that guy who made us all uncomfortable. Then an hour or a day later he'd do something that would show he hadn't really changed at all. And yet at some point Steve did change. It was subtle but real […]

A Gold iPhone

Really? It'll probably sell well, but I'll stick with black. And the bright green case I use to find my phone, because black is tough to see sometimes. 🙂

The New Mac Pro

Mac Pro Trailer from Apple:

Repair Permissions is Useless

Repair Permissions won't touch any files in any of the user's home folders since can't target user folders specifically, only any folder or a specific path, and there are no packages in ~/Library/Receipts/. The only way it'd ever touch any files in a user's folder is if you installed something that let you explicity […]

Ï€fs (pi filesystem)

One of the properties that Ï€ is conjectured to have is that it is normal, which is to say that its digits are all distributed evenly, with the implication that it is a disjunctive sequence, meaning that all possible finite sequences of digits will be present somewhere in it. If we consider Ï€ in base […]

Also titled: The History of the "Boo-Dah-Ling" Sound. Neat!

Shell Scripting Primer

If you know a programming language, but don't know how to craft your own shell scripts, this resource from Apple is for you.

As much as Apple will benefit from getting new customers with an entry level iPhone that benefits their ecosystem so will Google. We know Google makes more on iOS than Android and interestingly an entry level iPhone will likely help Google’s bottom line as well. Source

On Being Apple-y

After yesterday's post on "Being Googley" what better than a post on "being Apple-y"?

On Being “Googley”

The Meanings of Googliness talks about what it means to be a Google employee. One of the first comments? But really dude? On what planet is the biggest invader of privacy in the history of the planet ‘not evil’? Uh, yup.

One Second on the Internet

Every Second on the Internet is worth a few of your seconds.

Explaining the iBooks Lawsuit

TidBITS has a great explanation that makes everything pretty clear. Apple isn't evil, and the industry may have gone this route in the end, but how they got there wasn't without fault or blame.

Siri takes initiative to learn how to pronounce names in iOS 7. Great. Big freakin' deal. Siri still can't spell the word "Erik" any way other than "Eric," on my phone or the phones of my friends, and there's no way to teach it to do so. If your name is Michele with one "l"? […]


The part at about 2:00 is particularly… something.