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Archive for September, 2013

All Hail 1-methylpiperzine

Except mosquitoes.

Yahoo’s New Logo

Probably the best article on the hideous new Yahoo logo.

Mac Keyboards

Requirements for a true Mac keyboard. Meh. Some may think I'm just not cool or discerning or whatever, but I've always been plenty happy with the keyboards Apple ships. I type as much as almost anyone I know, and even the stupid aluminum keyboard you get with the Mac Pro is fine. As are the […]

Logo Showdown part 1 - Path, Pinterest, and the Phillies - the letter P and branding.

Update — We're unable to offer upgrade pricing for Mac App Store purchases - The Omni Group. P.S. An Upgrade Is a New App

RIP Gotham

In the 2.0 release of Instagram, for reasons never explained, they removed my favorite filter: Gotham. I remember the moment vividly because I was in the midst of falling in love with Instagram. I'd found a compelling reason to take pictures with the iPhone, I was building a small active group of followers, and most […]

27 Pictures That Will Change The Way You Look At The World My favorite is probably number six, though the inverted photos are always interesting just because of how weird they look.

Kindle Matchbook

For thousands of qualifying books, your past, present, and future print-edition purchases will soon allow you to buy the Kindle edition for $2.99, $1.99, $0.99, or free. Yay! Source


Hypercritical: Nintendo in Crisis and Daring Fireball: Nintendo in Motion are both worth reading if you're a fan of Nintendo, consoles, or gaming in general.

How Long Should Passwords Be?

I use 1Password (though I'll check out iCloud Keychain when Mavericks and iOS 7 ship), and they recommend… longer than they currently are, most likely.

Why Steve Ballmer's Early Retirement Is My Own Greatest Failure. Yes, that's the actual title. My last in person meeting with Steve Ballmer was in 2002. I remember it more distinctly because I had just thrown my back out and was in extreme pain. However, I was also the Senior Fellow for Forrester, which had […]

New YouTube Logo – Never Mind

Brand New: New Logo for YouTube Meh. I think it sucks. Update: Never mind. They're not changing it.

The Wire Still Sucked

BTW, I eventually finished watching The Wire, and it sucked. Total waste of time. Didn't care about anything on the show - the people, the city, the story. Blah.

Aggarwal was impressed by the way Jobs was willing to take a risk to realize his vision. "In one meeting in the conference room with Jobs, he was annoyed that AT&T was spending too much time worrying about the risks of the deal. So he said, ‘You know what we should do to stop them […]