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Archive for November, 2015

My Mid-2012 Mac Pro doesn't have Bluetooth 4.0. I haven't been able to use Continuity on it, ever. That doesn't bother me too much. But, I was looking to upgrade to the Magic Trackpad 2 today, and saw that it requires Bluetooth 4.0, and so now I'm looking to upgrade this relatively recent Mac Pro […]

Tempur-Pedic Remote Fried

Well, the wife washed the Tempur-Pedic remote accidentally, a few weeks ago, and now the bed is acting pretty wonky. Fortunately, whatever company originally made the "Orthomatic" base that we have was later bought by Leggett & Platt, and their warranty service is pretty good for a bed that was apparently manufactured 12/19/2000. For $120.72 […]