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Archive for the 'Miscellaneous' Category

Anthill Art

That's pretty nifty. And an effective way to get rid of ants, too. There's more at


I'm posting that because it's pretty interesting, and the seatbelt is largely unchanged. I'm also posting that because I've seen a long thread on a forum somewhere in which a few people keep posting rants about how the government is tyrannical and should not be legislating seat belt use, and blah blah blah.

Christmas Tree Harvesting

This video shows: Christmas Tree harvesting at Noble Mountain Christmas Tree Farm in Oregon. Pilot Dan Clark flying a Northwest Helicopters, LLC 206B3 Jetranger November of 2008. Oregon is the nation's biggest producer and exporter of Christmas trees, selling about 7.3 million trees a year, more than twice that of No. 2 North Carolina. The […]

Mobile Marketing 2013 Facts

2016 turns out to be an interesting year coming up, a kind of watershed for online and mobile gaming. Almost 80% of the gamers worldwide are playing as mobile customers. Mobile gaming, with its large surge of players in 2013, a surge that is expected to continue, will double its growth by 2016. What we […]

Cheap Gas

Plus tax!

No Spelling Awards for You!

None of their listed awards were for "Great Spelling." The tacos were great, but the desserts were a bit dry…

Making a Deep Dish Pizza

I'm going to start figuring out how to make my own Deep Dish pizza. Real Deep Dish .com looks like a promising start… as does the Chicago Style sub-forum at

A strong man did this when I was in high school. Who knew it was more a magic trick than a demonstration of strength? I didn't. P.S. I've done this, now, and it works exactly as described.n

On Writing Well… Again

I'm reading On Writing Well again. I try to do this yearly, but I fail more often than I succeed. I spent five minutes writing this post. 😛

A friend/co-worker and I will be self publishing a book soon. Good quality, paperback, 200 pages or so. We've found 48 Hour Books and an order of 1000 with the options we'd like (200 BW pages, 70# white paper, 12pt CIS Silk Cover) comes out to $4,454.50. They're also in Ohio so we could probably […]

Couldn’t Care Less

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone says they could care less.

AmEx patented those little numbers on your credit card, and then for the good of the industry and consumer protection donated the patent to a non-profit, who promised not to enforce the patent against banks… and then proceeded to sell the patent to Intellectual Ventures who is now suing banks over it. :facepalm:

"You don't really remember a notebook or the pens and pencils you used. But maybe you remember your [Trapper Keeper]." Harris says that the binder "wasn't a regular school product. When you got it, it was almost like a Christmas present. You were excited to have it." I had a few and I didn't even […]

I predict I will spend hours reading The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Seriously, this is a big list.