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Archive for the 'Technology' Category

A few years ago hybrids didn't make economic sense. Today, with cars like the Civic Hybrid and others having come down in price ((I haven't directly compared, but isn't that true?)), they seem like they might make a bit more sense. True? Or is the upkeep and the fact that batteries in cars (batteries like […]

Kindle 2 First Thoughts

My Kindle arrived today, so here are some of my thoughts. In no particular order. Unboxing was not quite Apple-like, but it was better than most consumer products. Amazon should give you $9.99 or something to buy your first book. I find myself waiting to download the "perfect" first book rather than just any ol' […]

Kindle 2 On the Way

As some may have guessed, a Kindle 2 is on its way to me. I've previous said that the Kindle only interested me if it was $299 or less, and then went on to say "if it's free, and only then." ((Which is pretty much the same as this comment: "Unless someone gives me a […]

Buying a Kindle 2?

A simple question this time: {democracy:49}

You know what would be handy? A website that let you enter in package sizes, weights, and destination and shipping zip codes, and then gave you the rates for FedEx, UPS, and USPS. Does such a site exist? The rates are available - my Pelouze scale (if I had a Windows machine) can calculate the […]

The timeline goes something like this… February 6, 2009: At about noon, I make a $676 purchase. Not needing the items all that quickly, I opt for the "free" 7-10 day Super Saver shipping. The only shipping estimates on the order pages are "order in the next 13 hours to have it by tomorrow!" February […]

Quick Thoughts on Kindle 2.0

In November, 2007 I asked if anyone thought the Kindle was a good idea. Recently, after seeing how truly small the Kindle is, I started to wonder if perhaps it wasn't a good idea - or to be more precise, if perhaps the next version rumored to be introduced on February 9, wasn't going to […]

Internet Newspapers (in 1981)

From A Photo Editor.

Garmin Nuvi 200

Last year I played with a Garmin Nüvi 200W. This year, my in-laws bought a Garmin Nüvi 200 for me for Christmas. Last year - with coupons - I paid something like $250. This year, the unit's free (or, if you're an opportunity cost kind of person, it cost me "$100 in other presents"). For […]

The Digital Photo Frame

For now, you can spend a thousand bucks and get a 7-inch OLED digital photo frame from Kodak. I think I first heard about OLED nearly five years ago. The promise was inexpensive "screens" that you could literally roll up. People were talking about rolling out screens for laptops, using large screens instead of projectors […]

Not Answering the Phone

My wife has a cell phone. A first-gen iPhone, in fact. She almost always has it with her, except when she's at home, and yet I can never seem to reach her. Optimistically, I'd say 33%. Sometimes it's because she's on another call (she doesn't like to use the hold button), but most often it's […]

Time-Warner Goes Down Again

This upgrade process is getting old. It's been going on for quite awhile too. At least it wasn't election day, but it's amazing how many things require use of the Internet. A partial list includes: Can't look up phone numbers easily. iPhones fail (we're getting tired of turning off WiFi so we can use EDGE). […]

The outrage I'm feeling right now can't quite be put into words. As I said awhile back, Time-Warner is performing some equipment upgrades, which has resulted in downtime. I was fine with a little downtime (though the complete lack of communication and forewarning on Time-Warner's part is not cool at all) to improve infrastructure. But […]

Back on October 13 I posted about some Time-Warner/Roadrunner downtime. For about 10-11 days, service was spotty. Oftentimes we'd be online for 30 minutes, offline for 15-45, and back online again for maybe an hour before being knocked off again in a cycle. It made it tough to get any work done because you never […]

My Little Kodak Zi6 Review

I've read quite a few reviews of the Kodak Zi6, and nearly two weeks ago, I bought one for myself. It arrived shortly thereafter and I'm impressed. I've never had a Flip - never even seen one in person - but the Zi6 does two things that I wanted that the Flip doesn't do: HD […]