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Archive for the 'Photography' Category

African Violet


Carey likes to say that our two hobbies mesh nicely together. I photograph, she scrapbooks. I kid her about the expense of scrapbooking, and how much time she spends doing it, but that's all I'm doing: kidding.

Today I visited the Cleveland Zoo. It was very easy to find and it only took 1:40 to get there. Some photos from the trip appear below. I took everything I own (basically), but only used the 70-200/2.8 IS all day. I should have probably put the circular polarizer on - it would have helped […]

I think you can guess what this post contains… The outdoor shots were taken with the 85/1.8 lens, ISO 100, and aperture varying between f/2.8 and f/5.6. The indoor shots were taken with my 24-70/2.8L. I left the aperture at f/2.8 most of the time and the ISO ranged between 400 and 800. I need […]

Ron came over last night to "make up" for this coming Sunday when we might miss our weekly photography trek (we're kinda like gym buddies that help force each other to take pictures once a week). We weren't terribly inspired, but we did start with a "floating" light bulb and got some decent pictures. Here […]

I gave up waiting and ordered a Lowepro SlingShot 300 AW from Adorama. I'd have gotten it from B&H, but being run by the religious folks, B&H was closed for a good length of time over Easter. I wanted to try it out first and see how well my gear fit, but frankly, I was […]

Where the Heck is Spring?

The ten-day forecast for the Erie area doesn't even reach 50°. Not once. This is April, fer crissakes, and we're not even going to hit 50 degrees. Sure, it started well - we had a day that hit 75°, but now we're paying for it. I just watched An Inconvenient Truth today, too. While I […]

I've mentioned it before, but never as formally as this (in its own post). Aperture has the lovely ability to do two things: constrain crop proportions (say, to 4:3) Export images resized to a maximum height and/or width Great. I use it in creating my Desktops as well as the 500-pixel wide images you often […]

Ball Bearings

I took some pictures of some ball bearings. One of them is now on the desktops page. The first one was taken with a black cloth over the top and back of the ball bearings. I turned the overhead light off and bounced a gridded flash into a large sheet of blue paper camera left. […]

Ron and I went to Lake Pleasant last Sunday afternoon. We weren't terribly inspired, and despite having some semi-interesting subjects, the flat lighting made even the nifty subjects rather boring. I've added one of the shots - a version of the "berry shot" - along with another shot of a flower in my front yard […]

I've written up a little summary and installation guide for the desktops resizer script. If you have any questions about this first draft, please post them in this post's comments. I'd like to keep the comments on that page clear of the early bug reports and/or editing suggestions.

Desktops Now Available

The "Desktops" section is now available. Aaron Linville and I still have some tweaking to do to the resizer/watermarker script, and we'd still like to iron out some image quality issues, but it "works" in that images are served at the size you request and properly watermarked. If you like what you see, consider donating […]

My friend Josh has released Lightbox XMP, which he describes as "an export plugin for Aperture tool that allows you to export XMP information, beyond what Aperture provides automatically, with your images." LXMP can export referenced master sidecars, export sidecars, export images and sidecars, and embed the XMP or export both sidecars and images with […]

Shooting Golf Clubs

You know, shooting irons isn't so bad. But I'm having a heckuva time getting good shots of drivers, fairway woods, and hybrids. They tend to feature large expanses of curved shiny metal. What isn't highly reflective metal is often highly reflective black paint instead. I'm trying a lot of different things, but I'm fairly certain […]

First Sunset Pictures

I went to Presque Isle's beach 6 last night in the hopes of seeing a sunset as spectacular as the one I saw on Wednesday while driving to the Y. The thing about taking pictures of sunsets is that, given at least somewhat favorable conditions, you just have to show up and see what happens. […]