Posted in Recreation on August 4th, 2007 No Comments »
Carey and I took the kayaks out to Presque Isle today. We launched near the the boat rental spot past Perry's Monument. We paddled probably a mile through the lagoons, turned back, and then went out to the bay near the monument. I took the old Sony Cybershot (waterproof) camera out and we traded it […]
Posted in Technology on August 3rd, 2007 No Comments »
Thanks to Gedeon for the tip, and I agree: Amanda Congdon is rather smug.
Some more Cyndicate tips for you: If you hold down the option key, "Mark Unread" and "Delete" become "Mark All Unread" and "Delete All." There are a few contextual menus. Give them a try. Clicking the "Share This" toolbar icon quickly will prepare an email. Not a Cyndicate tip per se, but if you want […]
Posted in Computing on August 3rd, 2007 3 Comments »
The latest Safari 3 beta still can't remember the position of the scrollbars when you reload. Absolutely infuriating…
Some quick thoughts on Cyndicate: If you'd like a blank database, you can get one here. No, we don't include an inline browser. We left this out on purpose. Why re-invent the wheel? People use a variety of browsers these days, so why limit them to a WebKit one? Browsers support session saving and all […]
Cyndicate, or PulpFiction 2.0 as some might call it, is now available. Previously known as Iris on this blog, Cyndicate brings some pretty nifty features to a PulpFiction-like feed reader ((I hate that there really aren't any good names for these things. News Reader sounds like a usenet app, and "feed aggregator" doesn't sound quite […]
Posted in Miscellaneous on August 1st, 2007 7 Comments »
Natalie Gulbis won her first LPGA tournament last weekend in France. In the post-round celebration, she was posed on a stool holding the trophy. The problem is, she's also sitting on a U.S. flag which is displayed upside down and touching the ground. This triple breach of etiquette has been talked about in a few […]