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Archive for November, 2011

Love vs. Apathy vs. Hate

I've heard it said that the opposite of love is not hate, but apathy. Sometimes I'm not so sure about that.

Dexter’s American Gothic

I love it when directors or cinematographers or whomever do things like this. I always wonder how many of these types of things I've missed, too:

iTunes Match? I Have One Question.

iTunes Match debuted today. I don't care that it's "late" because I'm not sure I care to pony up the $24.99. My only mobile device is an iPhone. Though I suppose I can now play all the music on my MacBook Air, too, without actually copying my entire library over there. My entire library is […]

Replacing the Silverware

When I lived on my own in Florida, I bought a set of silverware that I really, really liked, primarily because it was the heaviest silverware I could find. The forks have only three tines, too, which I like. I still have the silverware, a decade later, but an unusually high number of the regular […]

Now I can delete the screenshots I've had on my computer for a few months. Saved DVDs Foodfight! The Tree of Life Women

iOS 5.0.1 Update

The update took about three minutes on my phone. I still downloaded the full 700 MB update within iTunes. I'm looking forward to some better battery life.

11/11/11 11:11:11

Happy 11/11/11 11:11:11 everybody!

Analyzr Pro 1.3 Sneak Peek

Analyzr Pro is coming along well, and this video shows a nice update that's right around the corner:

Arguing with a Madman

Love it! 🙂 If you argue with a madman, it is extremely probable that you will get the worst of it; for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not being delayed by the things that go with good judgment. He is not hampered by a sense of humour or by charity, […]

Kindergarten Class Photo

Ugh. Yeah, I'm the only dumbass with his head turned way over that way. I remember that shirt, too. It was a tight "fur" style shirt. It may be the reason that I still dislike turtlenecks to this day

Beginning Couch to 5K

Today I ran my first "Couch to 5K" segment. Between five minutes of warm-up and cool-down, you alternate running for 60 seconds and walking for 90 seconds for 20 minutes. I set out without a route in mind, but had an idea where to go. It turns out my guess was pretty good - I […]

So True

This comic is so true: I try to adopt the position (typically with writing an AppleScript or shell script to automate something) that I need to do that thing frequently enough that I'll be "in the black" time savings wise inside of about the next three weeks or so, give or take. Extra points are […]

Donating to My College

My college (Ohio Northern University) is not a state college. And I've still got student loans that I'm paying off to the tune of a few hundred bucks a month. Nor do I have a few spare million dollars lying around. Why on earth would I donate money to them? College is a business. I […]

This screenshot appears in Cyndicate from time to time. It also appears in Safari now and then. That would be fine, but there's absolutely no way I can see in the "Settings…" to turn the damn thing off.

BBEdit Lion Discoloration
