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Archive for March, 2014

HIMYM Series Finale

Initially I was surprised by the ending. After about two minutes, I came to the conclusion agh which I think I'll remain: the ending was perfect. Though HIMYM suffered from some average seasons (or episodes, at least), it was a great nine-year run and one of my favorite TV series of all time. And the […]

Odd Page Breaks in Pages

I'm using Pages to write a book (because the thought of using Word makes my skin crawl a little bit), but two things are quite annoying. The first is how Pages treats keyboard shortcuts like option-delete, or shift-arrow, and similar. Oftentimes it edits or selects (or deletes) text after the insertion point, even though you're […]

Pixelmator - What happend to the color fields in the toolbar This drives me NUTS. I prefer Pixelmator over Acorn, but every few months, I launch Pixelmator thinking that it has to be fixed by now, only to find out that it's not, and to get so frustrated that I quickly switch back to Acorn. […]

The Doer of Deeds

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who […]

Keyboard Repeat

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true Thank you! P.S. I have to reboot but fingers are crossed that this still works in Mavericks.

Got 6.5 Hours to Kill?

This is thrilling! 🙂

Dark Horse in 20 Styles

Hilarious. I won't spoil it by saying whose "voices" appear in this song, but it's pretty good.

I got $6.82 via the eBooks lawsuit Amazon settled in December, 2013. You can find out how much you got at In December 2013, a federal court approved legal settlements by publishers Hachette, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Penguin in antitrust lawsuits filed by State Attorneys General and Class Plaintiffs about the price […]

I read an article today about how some people are unable to open older documents created by earlier versions of Pages, Keynote, and Numbers, so I did a quick search for all such documents, and opened, and re-saved them all to upgrade them to the latest versions. Fortunately I'd kept my iWork '09 applications on […]

36 and in Cincinnati

Today I turn 36. I've completed the first two rounds of my tournament (though I do hope for extra holes at the end), and I feel I'm in the lead. I've got a great wife, a great kid, and I wake up every day excited for the work I'll do. Work has been taking a […]

I really like music videos that make a little "art" out of the lyrics. I like this song. Except these parts… :doh:


But Burke said something on the hockey analytics panel at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference last month that I took issue with. He expressed concern that statistics couldn't measure a hockey player's perseverance. For instance, he asked, would one of his forwards retain control of the puck when Zdeno Chara, the Boston Bruins' intimidating […]

What Clients Don’t Know (and Why It’s Your Fault) by Mike Monteiro – An Event Apart Austin [corrected file] from Jeffrey Zeldman on Vimeo.

Thank you, NSView!

After making a big, bold promise to wire every corner of America, the telecom giants are running away from their vow to provide nationwide broadband service by 2020. For almost 20 years, AT&T, Verizon and the other big players have collected hundreds of billions of dollars through rate increases and surcharges to finance that ambitious […]