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Archive for April, 2014


Yawn. Aside from notifying me when I can't hear or see my phone (or feel it), I don't see much point in wearables. And I rarely wear a watch.

I'm writing the gist of this in the future by a few days. I just had a conversation with someone I respected. He equated - because his religion compels him to - homosexuality with child molestation. He steadfastly believes that homosexuality is 100% choice, and is never biological. He's quite firm on that point. I […]

Memories of Steve

Memories of Steve, by Don Melton. I'm not going to quote anything. Just go read it.

Understanding Heartbleed

This is about the simplest - and one of the best - explanations available: xkcd: Heartbleed Explanation.

How to Coil Cables

Funny Software Bugs

Michael Tsai with a short list of Funniest Software Bugs. The first is quite good…

The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain If you do nothing else, do step 1. Bad Facebook. Bad.

Silicon Valley TV Show

iWork Updates (5.2, 2.2)

The Second iWork ’13 Update introduces a lot of nice things. Hopefully, this indicates that iWork is not languishing as it did for many years.

Michael Tsai shares a tip about searching the iTunes store via Alex Heath. A LaunchBar shortcut for it is:*.

Pretty much pegged it.

45,000 Words on the Making of Threes. Well worth the time to read if you have the time to read it. 🙂

A friend and I are writing a book. It's called Lowest Score Wins, and it's nearly done. We launched it with an Indiegogo campaign last December. It's a book written by two people, and as such, we use the word "we" quite often. Yet… there are plenty of parts of the book that can only […]

In the next month or two, Dave Wedzik and I plan to begin selling our book, Lowest Score Wins, via the website We'll have two products (a paperback and a hardcover), so we want a little store that integrates with PayPal (preferably) to handle sales with shipping to the U.S., Canada, and other countries […]

What a great joke this would have been… if only Tiger and Augusta National had a sense of humor. Seriously, though, the guy couldn't announce this yesterday?!?!