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Hurricane Ike in PA

Hurricane Ike was felt as far north as Erie, PA last night as winds of 40-60 MPH buffeted the house so hard it sounded like it was hailing (it may have actually been small berries and things being ripped from trees). Except for some brief power outages that prevented me from seeing the only TD in last night's Steelers/Browns game (the DVR takes a good 10-15 minutes to re-start, re-lock onto the signal(s), etc.)., and a broken limb from one of the trees in our front yard (see below), we came through everything pretty well.

Some other folks, not so much.

A dumb friend of mine, after tasting some of the rain a few weeks ago when Hurricane Gustav was causing a whole lot of rain here in the Erie area, asked me why it wasn't salty. 😛

Some Thoroughly Unpleasant… People

Last night I played my first hockey game of the season, and my team's second. Last year we got off to a slow start, built as a team, and finished second in the league to a team that, this season, is playing in a better league.

We had a spirited rivalry with another team, the "Penguins," a team with a few unsavory players. Beating them in the playoffs was perhaps our high for the year.

Hulu Fall Premieres

Some fall premieres are available early (today marks the end of week two) at Hulu. Having missed some of the "on-TV" season premieres, I've caught up by watching Terminator as well as a new show called "Fringe." The latter struck me as a bit of an updated X-Files or something - I plan to set up a season pass for it on the DVR when I get the chance.

DirecTV's website now allows you to remotely schedule shows for recording, but you can't search for shows on the site as far as I can tell.

iPhone 2.1 Update

Hopefully the 2.1 iPhone OS update will put an end to these:

iPhone Error Message

I've also gotten repeated "Done/Retry" errors when trying to run the update(s) on the iPhone itself with the "AppStore" application.

So far, so good with the update, but all apps are "up to date" now, so who knows.

Whispering Woods Range and Clubhouse Fall 2008 Update

Whispering Woods LogoWhispering Woods (reviewed here) still doesn't have a blog or a means of updating the masses, so I've somewhat taken it upon myself to occasionally write about the goings-on in an attempt to educate the members and to perhaps inform the general public.

In previous posts about the driving range, I've been hopeful that it would be ready by this year. Well, that turned out not to be the case, and quite frankly, I didn't go to Whispering Woods very many times this year.

Gates and Seinfeld


Bumpy on a Golf Cart

On my recent FAM trip to the Turning Stone Resort, I was happy to have the company of my father-in-law, Stan. He's better known as "Bump" or "Bumpy" around these parts, though.

BioChart for iPhone

The first Cynical Peak iPhone (and iPod Touch) app: BioChart. $1.99. A bit of a test, but for under two bucks, hey, enjoy.

MIA: Golf Game

If anyone's seen it, please return for a reward.

In truth, I'm golfed out. I split my left thumb open and now I'm compensating for it by gripping it harder and lower on the thumb, which is now blistered. Great game! 😛

Tonight I'm off to Turning Stone for… more golf. I'm so close to not even wanting to go, but I've got to meet a friend there, I committed, my father-in-law is looking forward to it, and I would like to see the golf courses.

Weather: An Uncooperative B*****

Weather: it never quite does what you want, does it?

Today's Newport Cup round in the afternoon will be played at Lake View. Fog (and rain) at Peek 'n Peak have warranted that. Joy.

Newport Cup 2K8

Kicks off today at Thunder Hill. Weather for the week? Looks horrible.

Newport Cup 2K8

Not sure why I'm the only one wearing sunglasses. I must not have gotten the memo!

Also, this may have been the first time I've ever used the timer feature on my Canon 5D.

WordPress Bug in 2.6.x: Sandwiched ‘more’ Tag

I reported a bug to Adriaan of ecto, which helped me to confirm that there's really no bug in ecto, but rather more likely in WordPress. The bug - or at the very least change in behavior - has to do with the manner in which the <--more--> tag is applied when submitting posts via an XML-RPC client.

Prior to WordPress 2.6, the tag was put on its own line, like this:

Cras ut orci id nisl semper interdum. Aenean molestie.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

This meshed well with the way WordPress handled its auto-paragraphing, wrapping <p> tags around the text above and below the <!--more--> tag. In WordPress 2.6.0 and 2.6.1, this tag sandwiched between the "entry" and the "extended entry" as follows:

Cras ut orci id nisl semper interdum. Aenean molestie.<!--more-->Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Charlie Wilson’s War

I wasn't aware of the fact that Charlie Wilson's War was an Aaron Sorkin deal until earlier today, and I've just finished watching it. Good stuff, though I don't think it did very well at the box office…

What's Sorkin working on next? I saw that he was on Facebook (and in the news for it) because he's doing some sort of movie about the founder(s) of social networking? Pretty curious, given his many digs at "people on the Internet."

What else is he doing?

A Visual History of Apple Digital Cameras

Apple Cameras

Pressure Washed the Deck

I got the pressure washer out today with the intent to clean the deck. I've seen treated lumber, and it looks kind of greenish, so I thought I'd wet it, spray on the cleaning solution, and spray it off.

I "accidentally" chose the highest pressure nozzle, which made a bunch of squiggly lines all across the deck wherever I pointed the nozzle. Undaunted, I sprayed on the soap, then rinsed it off with the medium-pressure nozzle. The lines were still quite visible, so I tried to "soften" their appearance by spraying with the same medium-pressure nozzle from fairly close distances, "blending" the lines into the greener look of the rest of the deck.

Then I realized I was being lazy, and the entire deck was in need of an incredibly thorough washing, so I sprayed the hole thing with that same medium-pressure nozzle. I had to hold the nozzle about two inches above the deck, which gave me an inch-wide wall of water that was high-pressure enough to take off what was likely mildew and mold. 300 square feet of deck (and nearly three hours of bending over) later, the deck was looking pretty darn "brand new."