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Archive for the 'Software Development' Category

In no particular order… Free Software for Apple Employees If you're an Apple employee (with an or email address), simply drop by to claim a free copy of Cyndicate or Scorecard (or both!). It's our gift to Apple employees for all the hard work they've put in, and it doesn't matter if […]

CoreImage Transcoding

CoreImage: slow? We're finding that as we work on Rivet the bottleneck isn't the network, but the image itself. We're performing two operations: resizing (to the larger of 1920 x 1080) and compressing (currently, the options are none, 90, 70, 50, and 30). These operations all seem to take about the same amount of time, […]


X360 is now named Rivet. And that's all I have to say about that now. Hopefully we'll have a beta in the next week or two. P.S. Scorecard for Windows is nearly done.


If you have an Xbox 360 and a Mac, and are interested in beta testing an application that, uhhh, "connects" them, please leave some contact information in the comments ((Or just leave a comment like "I want to beta test!" and supply a valid email address.)). Thanks.

The XML file iTunes produces has one fatal flaw: it doesn't tell you which song is checked and which is not. Unfortunately, Brad and I need to get the "checked or not" information as well. Does anyone know the fastest and/or "best" way to do so? P.S. We're doing the parsing in straight C, currently, […]

MacSanta is now offering 20% discounts on Cynical Peak software, including Cyndicate and Scorecard. To get your 20% off, use the coupon code "MACSANTA07" at checkout. This deal is good today, December 23, only. A 10% discount is offered the rest of December with the coupon code "MACSANTA07TEN."

Cyndicate 1.1 is now available. This is a free update for all Cyndicate users. This release is mainly bug fixes with a few nice little features added in (like the ability to set what count the dock will show), auto-scrolling of the article list when you reach the top or bottom, and video attachments to […]


Just a link for my own future knowledge. Thanks Alex. And no doubt my arm would be tired if I had to write the above out.

Has anyone used a Cocoa graphics framework that's capable of drawing things like line, pie, and bar graphs?

As Brad notes at the Cynical Peak Blog, Cyndicate 1.0.4 beta is available. The beta fixes all known Leopard issues, so users running Mac OS X 10.5 will probably want to try this build out immediately. It fixes a few other issues as well: parsing incorrect Atom 0.3 feeds, a small memory leak, and some […]

Woot! Steve speaketh.

My Online Scorecard

I mentioned a few days ago that Scorecard 1.2 was available. One of the new features is a web export that will automatically export your rounds to HTML. I export mine to my iDisk, which automatically synchronizes with my .Mac homepage: Also, for a limited time, forum members at The Sand Trap can use […]

Scorecard 1.2 Released

Scorecard, a golf statistics program for Mac OS X, is now available at version 1.2. Feature Highlights in Version 1.2: HTML export of rounds for displaying on the web. Deactivation of rounds for the statistics window to allow the user to focus on a time period or set of rounds. Printing of the statistics screen. […]

Today is the last day to pick up, at a savings of over 20% off, the Mac News Junkie Bundle I wrote about a few days ago. Follow your favorite news feeds using Cyndicate from Cynical Peak Software and then archive your favorite articles using EagleFiler from C-Command Software. Cyndicate and EagleFiler normally retail for […]

This is good news: Apple has taken a neutral position on iPhone development. Back when Apple said "no" to third-party APIs, many took that to mean they would take steps to exclude third-party apps from the iPhone. It turns out that installing an application is in fact easier on the iPhone (via than it […]