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Archive for April, 2003

Rain Arousal

Okay so the title of this one is a bit provocative, but arousal is often a provocative subject. Funny thing is, "arousal" could mean "of the senses" or "of the mind" but if you walk up to someone and say "I'm aroused" you're likely to get beat up (or, in a few cases, maybe laid). […]

Female Software

"Software is like women: either it is good, or it is free." - Slava Karpenko Slava tells me that this is a joke translated from Russian, author unknown.

Switch Off

July, August, September, October, November = JASON I noticed this while surfing Gary Turner's blog. I got to Gary Turner's blog by following the link to the Switch Off page from BlogStickers. Why was I going there (see how this is winding backwards?)? Because I was considering taking down the parental advisory picture (left side, […]

Job Number Three

I accepted another job offer today. I'll relinquish one of my smaller jobs in favor of this job. I'm really looking forward to it (but can't say what it is). This will be my third job: the first two are of course my freelance Web/software consulting business and Freshly Squeezed Software. It's all part of […]

Email Signature Quotes

I include a quote in my email signature, and this is the collection. It's fairly big, I suppose, so I used an AppleScript and a quick find/replace in BBEdit to grab the list. The script I used is: tell application "Microsoft Entourage" set blah to content of every signature set bar to "" repeat with […]

OmniGraffle 3 Icons: UGH!

How do I feel about OmniGraffle Pro 3's icons? Let's see, to put it bluntly, UGH! Rick Roe still works for Omni Group, doesn't he? This Rick Roe, the one with the icon design site? The icon to the right is an OmniGraffle 3 Pro (is there a difference) icon. I expected more from Omni. […]

OmniGraffle Pro 3

Buzz over at Sci-Fi Hi-Fi Fe-Fi Fo-Fum really likes OmniGraffle 3.0. While I like OmniGraffle, I'm not sure I'd throw myself into the "I Love It!" crowd. It's always been a bit slow, and my biggest problem with 3.0 is apparently Buzz's favorite: As a Cocoa developer, I must also admit (over the certain protests […]

Absent Minded

I was going to link to a New York Times article, but they've gone to a paid archive system of some kind, so fuggem. >:-o The article discussed "away messages" on chat clients, largely focusing on college students. One girl was quoted as saying something like "I log on and check about sixty people's away […]

Splinterland Redux

I published a little ditty on Interland a few days ago, and now we've set up the domain: It's going to house a forum to help Interland Freedom and VPS customers to help themselves, avoiding Interland's tech support where possible. If you have a Freedom or VPS account with Interland, or know someone that […]

QotD: Burden

Question: If you could free yourself from one burden in your life, what would it be? My Answer: I doubt that "sleep" counts as a burden, so I can't say that. I'm going to go with the simple one: income taxes. Just tax purchases an even percentage and be done with it. Heck, for that […]

Blogs for Research

Sven-S. Porst asks whether blogs are good for research and lists a few pros and cons. I used a "blog" for research quite a bit in college, except I spelled it without the "b." In other words, I had a notebook with dated entries where I wrote down paradigms, mnemonic devices, and other tricks and […]

Random Quotes

Some guy named Gabe Anderson asked me how I do the random quotes you see to the left. Quite simple, really! <? $lines = file(''); $count = count($lines); $linenumber = rand()%$count; echo $lines[$linenumber]; ?> May not be the most efficient means of doing this, but it certainly works.

Blockquotes and Q

I'm just testing some things out - apologies to those that will see this in their news aggies several time as I play around. As you'll notice two of these - the two that look like I want them to look - are not valid XHTML 1.1. Anyone know how to fix them so that […]

Did you know that you can get a big big bag full of stuffed animals for $2.50 at your local Goodwill store? These make great toys for dogs, who chew them up anyway. Stop paying $10 per toy at Petsmart! Getsmart and shop for your doggie toys at Goodwill! Flint likes his new pink stuffed […]


A few years ago - nearly two as I write this - I signed up with a company called "HostPro" for what was then called a "Freedom" account. The Freedom account provided 500 MB disk space, root access, 40 virtual hosts, and more on a FreeBSD "box" that I could essentially consider a dedicated - […]