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Archive for January, 2016

QuadCopters The Phantom is now only about $1250, but the new top-of-the-line quadcopter is about $5k. Ouch. Maybe the LSW DVDs will sell really well… πŸ˜‰ Or someone will want to trade a new Inspire 1 Pro for about 50 hours of golf lessons. πŸ™‚

RoadTools PodiumPad

I'm bummed. The PodiumPad has been a great thing I've used for over a decade. I wanted to pick up one or two more, but the domain name is no longer responding or active. The whois entry is still active, though.

The Dentist

So, I had my first trip to the dentist in, well, more than six months. More than seven, even… πŸ˜› Predictably, things weren't as good as they should have been, but they weren't what I'd call bad. Internally, I'm telling myself that it's far worse than it was, too, as motivation to do a better […]

Working on Lowest Score Wins Class

Dave Wedzik and I are putting the finishing touches on the Lowest Score Wins class and clinic. This will be a great way for instructors to quickly teach students how to shoot lower scores without changing much (or nothing) with their swings. It is, of course, based on our best-selling book "Lowest Score Wins," and […]

Once again we've decided to drive from Erie, PA to Orlando, FL for the 2016 PGA Merchandise Show. We (Dave and I) prefer this often over flying because we can stop and stretch when we want, we can talk and carry on, we can transport a heck of a lot more stuff, and it's more […]

Yeah, So I’m Terrible at This

I'm going to give it one more try. As I write this I have a bunch of half-finished posts but none have made it to the blog. I simply need to find five minutes a day to write something up.

SpamSieve Stats

I should probably do a better job of marking false positives and negatives, but I do maybe half of the time. I do have to look into why my Penn-State Behrend email always seems to go to spam, though. πŸ™‚ Those are responsible for about 1-3 of the false positives each day. Filtered Mail 454,700 […]

It's now been many, many years, and many, many OS X upgrades, and I still can't get past a problem that's plagued me: minimized Finder windows will appear in the Dock after a restart, but then "disappear" when I un-minimize them. Only killing the Finder (with them out of the Dock) works. I've tried many, […]

Short one here today, but basically, as I watched my daughter struggle to use Pages on her (fairly old) MacBook, I realized that kids these days are actually less computer literate than their preceding generation. Don't get me wrong - they're more technology-literate. They're just less capable of using devices they don't touch directly. They […]

48 Hr. Books Pricing

At one point, ordering 100 books through and getting the 25 free was the best deal. There were, essentially, no incentives to buy 500 books at once (even if you still only got 25 books free). This meant we often had to order 100 (or 125) books four or five at a time. Somewhere […]

When I'm signed in to in Safari, there's a high likelihood that visiting or a link will fail. 80% of the time I do this, in Safari, the site fails to load, or sputters for a minute before finally loading. When the site loads, or the redirect works, it's fast. If I […]

Increased Spam Phone Calls

In the past three days I've received no less than 14 "spammy" phone calls. I don't answer my cell phone. When I'm at my computer, I quickly search the Web for the number calling me, and lately, a whole lot of them have been showing "" or other similar sites as the first, second, third, […]

Spring Break

As coach of the Penn-State Behrend men's and women's golf teams, I'm looking forward to making a trip to the Myrtle Beach area to play some golf with a few of the kids from the team. I've played the Barefoot courses, but I'm looking forward to playing Caledonia and True Blue most of all. Of […]


Man, I didn't mind when checkboxes said 30-39. I didn't even mind when they said 35-39. But when they say 36-45, I feel old. Fortunately, I think I still feel younger than I am, and I try to stay as active as possible.

Steelers, Penguins, Pirates

It's always been tough to rank my love for all of the teams. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, my first love was baseball, and the Pirates were doing well then. The Pens were doing well, too, but weren't on TV nearly as often as the Pirates, which made it more difficult to watch. […]