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Bye to ASC

I'd like to say goodbye to AppleScript Central today. The site is being moved to and will be under their control soon.

I've worked with ASC for over three years. I've met many great people through the site, and have enjoyed working with it. While I'm sad to see it go, I'm excited that it can again get the attention it deserves.

Good luck, and farewell!

MS Magnet Poetry

For years my neighbor and friend Gabe's metal shelving has said this in techno-centric "poetry" magnets:

Microsoft profits from users that have unparalleled boundaries and integrated legacy architecture.

Dilbert would be proud.

They’re Called PermaLinks for a Reason

Here is an example of something that irks me. In its current state (it may change in the future, who knows?), the page I'm linking to quotes an article by Jon Rentzsch about Micropayments.

Unfortunately, the article neither links to the Rentzsch article directly nor does it blockquote or in any other way separate the blog owner's thoughts with those of the article he's quoting. Plus, the entire article is quoted, essentially ripping off everything from Rentzsch.

PermaLinks are named "permalinks" for a reason. They're permanent - meaning they won't go away or change - and they're links, meaning you should link to them. The content of the linked-to article may be updated, but will you stay on top of things and re-quote the updated article?

The owner of the blog has an excuse - NNW doesn't quote that way or something. Unfortunately, he's running MovableType and is quite capable of fixing this. The fact that he hasn't after I pointed out the things above in a comment irks me even more. Until (if) he fixes it he's being rude to his reader(s) and Jon Rentzsch.

OneWord: Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous is almost always a category on sites of mine. In fact, on this blog, I have a Miscellaneous category. I have a Miscellaneous folder in my email app and a "Stuff" folder on my hard drive (because there were too many "M" folders). It's a good name for miscellaneous stuff because it is, well, miscellaneous. It's funny how badly people misspell that word, though.

This 60-second entry was brought to you by today's word from OneWord™.

OneWord: Sweater

Sweaters are things that you wear when you're cold, which is of course nothing I've done in the past, oh, two years. Okay I've worn a sweater but only because it's pretty nice, it's green with a brown stripe, and with a pair of brown pants or even jeans it looks pretty good. Flint ate my other sweater, a blue one that Jessica bought me at some point, but really, who cares? I never wore it. I hope he enjoyed it. I got him more toys after that one.

This 60-second entry was brought to you by today's word from OneWord™.

New Site Design

I got bored at around 2am (eeks! It's almost six!) and decided to redo my site. I moved quite a bit around, optimized some pieces, changed my stylesheet and every page, added a new index archive (the categories list, as it wouldn't get rebuilt on older archives, is now its own file and is <?included?> in every page). I changed how some of the pages build. I'm still not happy with rebuilding speed, but I'll tweak all of that tomorrow or another day.

I like the "fade out" at the top (scroll down, look at the top of your browser window). I like the color scheme (for now). I like the sparse feeling. So far as I can tell, too, everything continues to validate, etc. I may write more about this later.

Woo! Okay, bedtime now. :-zzz

P.S. Several people have noted that David Hyatt updated his blog too.

QotD: One CD

Question: If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, which CD would it be?

My Answer: I'd have to go with Life's Rich Pageant by R.E.M..

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

My First Car Mod

I've completed my first car mod: I changed the front turn signals on my 2001 Aztek to those found on the 2003s. As you can see in the image below, the old ones were yellow, with a white bulb, and the new ones are clear with a yellow bulb.


I got the part numbers from a mailing list and bought and installed the turn signal lamps myself from GM Parts Direct .com. Easy peasy! Took about ten minutes.

Survivor 6.12

I was in Orlando yesterday and last night, so I'm a bit late in blogging about last night's Survivor. However, it's 4 o'clock now and I have avoided all blogs that might talk about it, so here's my fresh take, watching alone. What will happen this week? Hmmm… I'll find out shortly.

The next to last show! We'll be down to four shortly! Eeek!

QotD: Best Day

Question: If you could describe what would make the best day of your life, how would you?

My Answer: I'm not sure. You wouldn't think it would involve eight hours in a car, getting lost, fast food, no dinner, and a little shopping, but it ranks pretty highly, actually.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Rid the Earth

Question: If you could rid the earth of one thing, what would it be?

My Answer: Stupid people. But then there'd be nobody left <grin>.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

OneWord: Lust

Lust is something that you can have, not for a person necessarily, but for anything. The classic case of lust is Adam and Eve, no wait, that was a lustless garden until the snake spoiled it, right? I lust after knowledge. I lust after one-on-one relationships that mean something. I lust after Coke (not really!). Lust for the right things is good. Lust for lust's sake is bad. Lame.

This 60-second entry was brought to you by today's word from OneWord™.

Survival of the Fittest

My previous two entries have touched off a little discussion. However, the piece I found most interesting was this one from Michael Hanscom:

Intelligent people - those with more than two brain cells to rub together - look around at the world and realize that it has a tendency to be a pretty iffy bargain, and either resolve not to have children, or to limit themselves to one or two children. Less intelligent… people, though, seem to be popping babies out like there's no tomorrow.

Lame Unix Tips

Want some lame Unix tips? Sign up for this list. Today's tip?


Here is one way to comment your directory.

$ cd theDirectory
$ touch "zzz*** THIS IS THE DIRECTORY COMMENT! ***zzz"

Whenever you type ls, you'll see your comment at the bottom. That's why you type "zzz ...". The asterisk is to decorate.

American Idol: 4 Contestants

The final four. Last week was wrong; this week I hope to see Josh voted out. I'm a bit behind on watching this, but I've avoided all blogs that post about American Idol so far. I'll link to them at the end, but I didn't want them to taint my view of the show. I'll keep things short though, very busy these days.