Posted in Computing on September 4th, 2003 8 Comments »
Sometimes I utterly and completely fail to understand how anyone opens spam, let alone responds to them. They ask you questions like "do you suffer from a small penis?" or "are you having trouble pleasing your wife?" "Overweight? We can help!" "Need a date?" "In Financial Trouble?" "Want bigger breasts?" WHO opens this crap? Seriously? […]
Posted in Recurring on September 4th, 2003 4 Comments »
Question: What percentage of your acquaintances are gay or bisexual? My Answer: I think that about 5% may be gay, and I'm positive that about 7% are gay. So, I'll say about 10% of the people I know are gay. Of my "friends," a word I reserve for about ten people in my life, one […]
Posted in Apple on September 4th, 2003 2 Comments »
I see that Xounds 2.0 is out. I was a big fan of the Interface sounds in Mac OS 9, and I used Xounds for awhile on X, but since removing all "haxies" I've got increased application stability and a tweak faster speed of operation. The only third-party stuff that shows up in my System […]
Posted in Recurring on September 3rd, 2003 3 Comments »
Question: How many pieces of software do you buy per month, on average? My Answer: I buy about three pieces of software per month, be they some $5 shareware or some $999 video editing software (at upgrade price, of course!). You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments […]
Posted in Silly on September 3rd, 2003 No Comments »
I don't care for beer much, but I bet that the jet-powered beer cooler could easily be adapted to suit my Coca-Cola cravings…
Posted in Blogging on September 3rd, 2003 7 Comments »
Every month (since February) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's August's…
Posted in Outdoors on September 2nd, 2003 1 Comment »
Monday night I got bad news: Jim was scheduled to work on Tuesday. That would have put our plans to go fishin' on hold for another week, and figuring the trip was cancelled, I stayed up way past my bed time to get some work done. I woke up at 7:30 (damn sunrise!) and puttered […]
Posted in Recurring on September 2nd, 2003 6 Comments »
Question: If you could change one thing about your city, town, or neighborhood, what would you change? My Answer: I would make the average age of its residents 23. I would make them all female. I would make them all attractive and intelligent. I would make them all single and desperately in need of some […]
Posted in Recurring on September 1st, 2003 5 Comments »
Question: What is the oddest thing you've ever done in the snow? My Answer: One time, in early March, I just couldn't get the golf bug out of my system. In two and sometimes three feet of snow (and sometimes just a wee bit of grass), I headed up to my favorite course and played […]