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Archive for December, 2005

Perhaps, it seems - and it kinda makes sense. Such an item would save me $150 (the cost of an AirPort Express) for my game room. Then again, without a CD player, perhaps it wouldn't. An ideal iPod Boombox would have: the option for external speakers. Airport Express built in for streaming from a computer. […]

QotD: Two-Person Games

Question: What are your favorite two-person board and/or card games? My Answer: Carey and I are looking for some suggestions. We own Trivial Pursuit and… uhhh… a deck of cards. And Trivial Pursuit. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Robin Williams on Golf

Robin Williams on golf. One of the funniest things I've heard and straight out of his Broadway show, which you can no doubt find on DVD at or other such places.

QotD: Software for Men

Question: Is software designed for men? My Answer: No. Software is designed for a user - period. Someone told me that Apple's predilection for "metal" is indicative of their favorable stance towards manly users, but what then of their pulsing "OK" buttons and soft fades and whizzy effects? Absolutely nothing, as none of it has […]

Bill Cowher’s Shadow

Yet another article at points out why Bill Cowher should get his ass out of Pittsburgh: Bill Cowher's major positive impact on any team has been his motivating factor. But from the looks of the Monday Night Massacre at the hands of Indy and now getting stomped on at our home field from the […]

QotD: Office Parties

Question: Have you attended or will you be attending any "office Christmas parties" this year? My Answer: I will be tonight. Hopefully it will turn out better than "The Office" Christmas party. 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

This is pretty nifty. If only I had a use for it… but then again, it could be used for font sizes, etc.: iPhoto-like image resizing using Javascript. I really should rename the "Blogging" category to something that encapsulates all Web technologies. Hmmm…

IVR Cheat Sheet

This may come in handy for getting past those stupid automated voice prompts when you call… any company these days.

In the game room, I'd like to have an audio system of some sort. Ideally, I imagine four speakers in the corners of the (roughly square) room should suffice, as I plan to have nothing but AM/FM, CD, and iTunes (via an AirPort Express) playing through the speakers. Unfortunately, most boom boxes seem to come […]

"Underpromise, Overdeliver" is something I try to do. If I say something will be done in two weeks, I try to get it done in one week. And so forth. The concept seems lost on some of the custom builders we've asked to look at our game room project and to provide an estimate. I […]

iTunes Truly Random… or Possessed?

From a playlist 4000 songs long, is this really random or is this that "less random" thing Steve Jobs talked about in iTunes 5 or 4 or whatever it was? In my car the other day, "Cecilia" by Simon and Garfunkel came on, followed by "Cecilia" by Ace of Bass. The latter is, naturally, a […]

Question: Do you believe the reports? My Answer: I hope with all of my might that PowerPage, as usual, is wrong, but at the same time I wouldn't put it past Apple to do something stupid like this. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on […]

QotD: Best Advice

Question: What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? My Answer: "If you want something done right, do it yourself." 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Installing Front Row

I'm just linking to this so I can remember how to uninstall it all when I'm done goofing around with Front Row on my G5 tower.


Business Plan: Make inferior product Don't turn a profit Sue maker of better product Looks like a sound plan to me! 😛