Posted in Recurring on January 16th, 2005 4 Comments »
Question: Are you on a diet? My Answer: Something like 87% of all Americans are on a diet? I don't know anyone on a diet. Not a specific diet, or anything that varies from normal eating. No carb-counting, no Weight Watchers. Nothing. (No, I'm not on a diet.) You are encouraged to answer the Question […]
Posted in Recurring on January 14th, 2005 No Comments »
Just an update for myself. 80% spam. Lovely. I think 95% of that comes in on one particular address, but it happens to be, so… that's not going anywhere for awhile. Filtered Mail 9195 Good Messages 37038 Spam Messages (80%) 259 Spam Messages Per Day SpamSieve Accuracy 55 False Positives 712 False Negatives (93%) […]
Posted in Recurring on January 14th, 2005 4 Comments »
Question: Is your Mac a spiritual machine? My Answer: No. Just something that works the way I imagine a computer should work. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.
Posted in Recurring on January 13th, 2005 12 Comments »
Question: Have you ever used VNC? How has it worked for you? My Answer: I've used it twice. Once, on a local network, it worked beautifully. That was back in the day of the old grey AirPort base stations - not terribly high bandwidth, but serviceable. Today's experiment in using VNC over two cable- and […]
Posted in Recurring on January 12th, 2005 16 Comments »
Question: What kind of keyboard do you use for your computer? How do you like it? My Answer: Ever since Apple went to the plastic USB ones, I've used the cleanest, newest version of those available. When the white ones with edges came out (I think they debuted with an eMac revision), I held off […]
Posted in Recurring on January 11th, 2005 19 Comments »
Question: How much did the MWSF Keynote cost you? My Answer: About $158. I don't care to pay for Keynote to get Pages, and I don't care to pay for GB to get a newer iPhoto, but so be it. 😛 I don't need the iPod Shuffle, I don't need a Mac mini, and I […]
Posted in Recurring on January 10th, 2005 7 Comments »
Question: Apple is not having a live streaming version of the MWSF Keynote presentation because it costs too much. Today's question: how much would you pay to watch the stream if a pay option were available? My Answer: $9.99. Sell it via the iTMS, play the video through iTunes. The infrastructure is probably already (or […]
Posted in Recurring on January 9th, 2005 3 Comments »
Question: What are your predictions for the NFL playoffs? Be as vague or as precise as you wish, though "the team with the higher score will win each game" is not as funny as you might think. My Answer: I'll remain mute on this one for fear of jinxing anything. I'm interested in what y'all […]
Posted in Recurring on January 8th, 2005 2 Comments »
Question: On average, how many words do write (pen/pencil and paper) in a given day? My Answer: I probably average about ten per day. A phone number, an envelope. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.
Posted in Recurring on January 7th, 2005 7 Comments »
Question: If you could get rid of one "device" in your life, what would it be and why? My Answer: I'd ditch my… alarm clock. My computer's in another room, so setting alarms on it is impractical. The whole process of setting an alarm - all twelve seconds of it - is silly. I have […]
Posted in Recurring on January 6th, 2005 4 Comments »
Question: How many of the Top 20 Nude Scenes of 2004 did you see? My Answer: I saw one: The Girl Next Door. I wanted to see Open Water and Closer. I've never even heard of most of the rest of the movies. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself […]
Posted in Recurring on January 5th, 2005 14 Comments »
Question: What would you like to see in PulpFiction 1.2? My Answer: The features are already set and nearly all written and tested, so any suggestions we haven't already hit upon will be considered for PulpFiction 1.3. When we get closer to our anticipated release date, I'll let you know what we've done so far […]
Posted in Recurring on January 4th, 2005 5 Comments »
Question: When did you reach "Blog Awareness"? My Answer: Slashdot carries the news that "Blog Reading up 58% in U.S." Slashdotters are quick to report on the far more telling quote: "Despite the explosive growth, more than 60% of online Americans have still never heard of blogs, the survey found." I first became aware of […]
Posted in Recurring on January 3rd, 2005 4 Comments »
Question: Which Omni Group products do you own? My Answer: OmniGraffle Pro and, uhhh, OmniOutliner 2.x. I had a student license to OmniWeb 3 or 4, but OW5 hasn't impressed me in the least. I may pick up a copy of OOPro for the collaborative project on which I'm working. You are encouraged to answer […]
Posted in Recurring on January 2nd, 2005 2 Comments »
The Buffalo Bills failed to beat the JV Steelers today in a game that meant everything to the Bills and little, if anything, to the Steelers. The Steelers rushed for over 150 yards and held the Bills to less than 100 even though many of the Steelers hadn't seen playing time since the pre-season. Roethlisberger, […]