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Archive for the 'Software Development' Category

PulpFiction has seen more than its fair share of icons. The coffee/orange juice thing wasn't working for us, so we switched gears and moved to another idea: actual pulp fiction. Pulp fiction is a bunch of old comic strips printed on pulpy (cheap) paper. They contained headlines like "RUN!" and "ALIENS ATTACK!" Think of the […]

Rock Star, Build 13

Rock Star Build 12 was posted awhile ago, and now b13 is here. If you want to test build 13 (or 14), IM me or email me. This build contains the party mode, so we're not going to be releasing it "into the wild." What's New In Build 13 Implemented high scores. Fixed a bug […]


I plan to go to WWDC this year, but my ADC membership is up for renewal at the end of February. I wrote this letter to ADC today: In years past, you've offered for $1500 a "WWDC + Select Renewal" deal. For the $1500, you got your Select Renewal, a hardware discount, a WWDC coupon, […]

Recent Tunes 2.0 is ready for download. You can grab a copy - free as always - from the freeware page at Freshly Squeezed Software. Recent Tunes 2.0 adds the abilities to post to your blog via SSH1, SSH2, FTP, or for those who like using databases, HTTP GET. Of course, you can turn that […]

Rock Star, Build 12

It's been a few days since we posted Rock StarBuild 11, but here now is build 12. Download it from the usual location (1.3 MB). Check the longer entry for the list of changes, improvements, etc. Expected release date: February 10. Expected price: still not sure, but somewhere between $9 and $19 with an introductory […]

Just as AppleInsider leaks some information about some of Panic's upcoming apps, Slava pens a missive on becoming a successful Indieware Developer. Panic and Unsanity are two of a select group of successful indieware developers. Their opinions carry some weight. Slava's got good advice, but one thought can't be stressed enough: First thing to ask […]

Rock Star Pricing

I had a discussion today regarding Rock Star's pricing. It has only come up within FSS a few times, and we'd mostly decided that $19 was a fair price. After all, it's a multi-/single-player game with an Internet high scores board. My friend said "how bout $9.99?" We don't like the odd "cents" at the […]


Speaking of the FSS site… ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Created Expires Price Domain Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Year COM/NET/ORG Renewal 06-MAR-02 06-MAR-09 67.95 FRESHLYSQUEEZEDSOFTWARE.COM 2 Year COM/NET/ORG Renewal 06-MAR-02 06-MAR-06 27.95 FRESHLYSQUEEZEDSOFTWARE.NET 2 Year COM/NET/ORG Renewal 06-MAR-02 06-MAR-06 27.95 FRESHLYSQUEEZEDSW.NET 2 Year COM/NET/ORG Renewal 06-MAR-02 06-MAR-06 27.95 FRESHLYSQUEEZEDSW.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (U.S. Dollars) 151.80 Our other domain,, does […]

Today I received an email which I've summarized for you in five words: Your Site Sucks, Hire Me. Perhaps I am feeling particularly {bored, mean-spirited, prick-like, combative} (take your pick) today, but I responded, and not very nicely. Here for you is the entire email with any URLs or names removed and replaced with generics […]


Dave Hyatt talks about coding to standards accepting malformed content. I, like David, want want a browser that doesn't accept crap, or even a browser with a "No Crap" mode. Unfortunately, such a browser would limit my browsing to this blog and the FSS site (and even they wouldn't be available sometimes). iCab used to […]

I've quietly snuck onto the Web late in the evening (or early in the morning) and posted updates to FTPeel 1.1 and MailDrop 1.3.1. Change lists are here and here. You can download these updates here and here. Good night. Tomorrow morning I'll update VT, MU, and send the email to our list members.

Rock Star, Build 11

Yes, we just released build 10, but here is Rock Star build 11. Grab it from the same location as before. This time the file is 1.4 MB, not 11.3. What's New In Build 11 now graciously asks user to locate iTunes folder if it isn't at its expected location (~/Music/iTunes/) and stores the selected […]

Rock Star Preview

If you'd like to download an in-progress copy of Rock Star, you may do so here. There are quite a few things left to be done: Multiplayer game High Score Implementation (local and Web-based) A bug regarding the score at the end of the game Weeding out of some more file types (.aa, "Spoken Word" […]


Freshly Squeezed Software is soon going to release some freeware for iTunes and Mac OS X that acts as a "shopping cart" of sorts. This application will allow you to save links to songs or albums while also allowing you to purchase songs from your list one at a time (without having to purchase the […]


Now that the Freshly Squeezed Software team is four people (I won't say who was added just yet), and now that I'm moving to a management position in a way (coordination, Web design, advertisement, delegation, etc.), I'm looking at project management software. Good timing, then, that I see this. It's called "Basecamp" and it's Web-based. […]