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Xcode 4

Ah now themes for Xcode for are coming out… and I've not even bothered to download it yet. Been kinda busy with Analyzr and a week or so before you ship is not the time to change your IDE.

To those who are using it, how is it? What's new, what sucks, what's cool? Will Xcode 3 projects import pretty seamlessly?

Got a Magic Trackpad

Magic TrackpadMy friend, co-worker, and partner Dave has been raving about his Magic Trackpad.

I'd finally heard enough and picked one up through a friend who also raved about his when I inquired.

Initial impressions? Eh. I like that I can use the thing while reclined, as a sort of "magic remote control," and I hear the battery life is phenomenal.

But I had to remove USB Overdrive for the first time in I don't know how many years, and I'm currently testing SteerMouse, because USB Overdrive is Graveware at this point and it doesn't work with the Magic Mouse or Trackpad.

More thoughts to come later. I'm going to give it time. I may also have to check out BetterTouchTool.

Update: Holy shit! What doesn't BTT do????

Update #2: Why don't option-touch-click and command-touch-click work 90% of the time, and why does dragging fail to release for what feels like a second? If there's a downfall to the Magic Trackpad, for me, these will be key players.

Scorecard in the Mac App Store

Scorecard is now in the Mac App Store.

I'll let you know when we hit our first million dollars in sales.

Accumulator Unloading

When I have time, I intend to modify this graph:

Accumulator Unloading

If you're not into golf, this post will mean nothing to you. 😉

P.S. If you use Numbers, is there any way to get a shaded area in a defined range on either side of the lines shown here? Kind of a "margin for error" or an "acceptable values" zone?

Tiger, evolvr, Domain Names

I took that video on my phone and sent it to Dave. He found it amusing enough to make into a video.

The domain name is an interesting one. It was bought at auction because it lapsed awhile ago. Long story short and lots of parts left out, but why on earth does someone have so long after a domain expires to renew it?

Seriously, we were still not sure if we were going to get the domain nearly two months after it had expired and several days after we'd "purchased" it. Makes no sense to me.

Layers App is Awesome

As I build the website for Analyzr I wanted to point out quickly that Layers is worth every penny of the $24.95 it costs, and then some.

As much as I love the built-in limitations of Apple's screen capture keystrokes, it simply can't do all that Layers can do ((Not to mention the fact that transparency isn't preserved when pasting screenshots into Photoshop documents…)).

Home Security Equipment

So what's that link right over here? --------------->

Someone offered me $210 to put it there for six months. I wrote the HTML, it's just a link with no JavaScript, and I can only assume they're paying to use some PageRank.

I've gotten offers like this in the past but when I responded to the initial inquiry to say "Sure. Send me a new iPhone 4 and I'll do it" the guy responded back. Most of them don't bother.

So… that's what it is. Probably won't be there past June 13th, unless they renew as they said they would. I'm not countin' on it.

Got an Elliptical

LS13.0EWow. It was back in 2006 that Carey and I last looked for an elliptical machine.

Since then I've put on, well, about ten pounds only, and it's my sedentary winter time period, so it's not bad. But still, we'd like to do a little work from home.

After a fair amount of research, we narrowed the choice down to the Sole e95 and the Livestrong 13.0E. As you can tell, we settled on the latter. It's $400 less than the Sole and has a much lower Q Factor which, even in the store, was obviously better for Carey than the Sole model.

Apparently we can track our stuff online and a bunch of other hooey, but I don't know how much that matters, or how much we'll use it. The elliptical will go in the living room (when it arrives in a week) and will be used while we watch TV.

P.S. Justin…

Adjusted to Mail

I ditched Entourage in favor of Mail back in November, and despite some early frustrations, I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.

I now know where to put my cursor so that a backspace or forward space won't remove those bizarre quoting lines Mail uses.

I've come to find tremendous joy in pasting screenshots in without having them hit my desktop (the control key is your friend when taking screenshots).

I've used FastScripts - a tool I recommend often - to handle account switching with a keyboard shortcut.

Speaking of Red Sweater, MarsEdit's shift-cmd-d keyboard shortcut finally makes sense to me now. 😀

I think Mail and I might get along just fine after all. 😉

P.S. Someone should develop a plugin for Mail called "Alpha Mail." I don't care what it does, I might buy it just because it sounds cool.

All Analyzr, All the Time

If I'm brief in my email replies, online a lot in the next three weeks, and up until 3am most nights, it's because we're really, really close to launching Analyzr.

If you're interested in golf video analysis software for Mac OS X, sign up at and we'll let you know when the application is shipping.

Spotlight Save Failure

Spotlight Save Failure

Really, Mac OS X? You can't find a file with the word "shaft" in it on the Desktop?


Flight Changed


Got a message yesterday on my phone that our flights back to Erie from Phoenix - which were to leave today at 9:30am - will now instead leave at 2:20pm. Our arrival time back in Erie was going to be about 9pm. Now we'll be lucky to be home before 2am.

How is this possible? Why can an airline just completely screw with your plans and do nothing - like a small refund, a voucher for an in-flight adult beverage or six, etc. - to make up for it?

Not cool, American Airlines. Not cool.

Played a Little Golf

Just nine holes. Was two over (testing out a face-on putter) until I started goofing around on the last hole. 😉 Played a fade as I focused on dorsiflexing the LW more to the top and cutting off the swing a little shorter, but it was a consistent little bleeder that worked well.

Earlier in the day one of the pros told us that he doesn't "believe" in the new ball flight laws. As if science, physics, and empirical data are things in which you can "believe" or "not believe"…

Phoenix School, Day Two

Uh, the tumbleweeds whipping through the practice range were nice.

I will say this (and please, my brevity is not because I have nothing to say, just in a bit of a time pinch), though: despite a strong left-to-right wind, very few balls faded more than five yards. In a still wind virtually EVERY ball that our students hit would have gently drawn to the left.

Everyone got better. Many remarkably so. One student, who missed day one due to the death of a friend, caught up and did incredibly well.

I plan to play a little tomorrow, if possible. We have all day. But right now (see the above comment about a time pinch!), Let's Go Steelers!

Phoenix School, Day One

So, we're in Phoenix (Goodyear), AZ to do a two-day golf school. It's not as warm as usual, but since it's about -16° C back home, I'll take what I can get…

Here's Andy Patnou, rising star and fan of the way we teach at Golf Evolution, working with Andre Park, who came all the way from Korea to work with us. How cool is that?

Patnou and Park