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They say that before you know it, they're gone. Today we're roughly 2555/6570 (38.9%) of the way there.

Political Correctness Too Far

It's simply gone too far. Like affirmative action - great intent, horrible in practice if it prevents a company from being able to hire the most qualified individual.

Keyboard Shortcut for “Use” When Renaming Things

Yippee! This change alone will save me 4.3 years of work every 30 days! No exaggeration! 😀

Rivet 2.3 Now Available

RivetRivet 2.3, Cynical Peak's software for sharing your movies, music, and photos with your Xbox 360, PS3, and now select XLNA devices, is now available. This is a free upgrade for existing customers and it fixes or improves on a lot of things:

  • Added using a file's thumbnail for custom images. See release blog post for more info.
  • Added automatic clean-up of the thumbnail cache.
  • Added smart sorting. "The," "A," and "An" are ignored when sorting movies and photos (xbox still sorts with them). Music is sorted by using the song's sort name metadata (which can be set in iTunes).
  • Improved photo viewing performance, especially when using Aperture.
  • Improved parsing and start-up speed.
  • Improved navigation for some devices.
  • Reordered the top level listing.
  • Fixed memory leaks.
  • Fixed the issue where you could only add one photo path.
  • Fixed preserving which playlists are selected between launches.
  • Fixed a launch issue due to the computer name not being properly encoded.
  • Added support for CEIVA Pro 80 picture frames from CEIVA Logic Inc., Denon audio/video receivers, and Plex Media Center for OS X.

Scrubs is Back

December 1 on ABC?! It's true. I just saw a commercial.

Carla was missing, as was Elliot. JD, Turk, and Perry were in the preview. The Scrubs site lists Kelso, Elliot, Janitor, and three new people as well, so perhaps they're back too.

I wonder how accurate the cast list is, though, as The Middle which also features Neil Flynn was picked up for a full 22 episodes after just two shows, so… double duty for Neil or a smaller role on Scrubs, perhaps?

Rogue Amoeba on the App Store Process

I like this comment from Lars the best:

The public API you are referring to is a Mac OS X API. You assert that it is alright to transfer the image provided by that API to another device and display it there. This may or may not be the case but in my opinion, you argument could be a non sequitur. Just because one system provides you the means of getting a certain bitmap does not automatically entitle you to use that bitmap somewhere else.

I think you should be allowed to use it and as a fellow developer I dislike the AppStore model as much as the next person. Nevertheless, your argument isn’t really logically sound here as far as I’m concerned.

I think Rogue Amoeba shouldn't have bothered to mention that "1.0 was approved." So you slipped one by the cops - so what? The speeding analogy Jeff mentioned applies here: just because you get away with something once doesn't mean you are granted a free pass to get away with it forever.

I Ordered a Golf Book – Amazon Sent me Seymore Butts

As my tweet says:

I ordered Stack and Tilt swing from Amazon on Kindle. They instead sent me some book about Seymour Butts.


YouTube link is

Incidentally I spent ten minutes trying to find the best way to contact support at Amazon. To say they've made it difficult is quite the understatement. I finally decided to go with the "Contact Us" button.

On the bright side, the book ended up being even less than the lowest price it was previously ($15.84). $14.04 isn't bad. Porn - depending on your personal taste - may be bad.

Doortags and Being Home

Found another doortag from FedEx on my door just now… It's marked 2:23pm. I've been home since 8:30am. They don't ring the doorbell - they walk up to the door with a tag that's been pre-filled and stick it on, then walk away.

What I don't get is this: they're going to have to deliver it eventually. Do they just do this on days when they're behind?

Apple Tablet – Does Anyone Still Care?

Does anyone still truly care about an Apple Tablet? Either it'll be an underpowered computer running Mac OS X or it'll be an oversized iPhone or iPod Touch running mobile OS X, right?

Originally I thought it might be nice to have one simply if it acted as a remote desktop screen. That'd still be nice to have, without the bulk a laptop, but I don't think we'll ever see anything like that.

AppleEvents Bug Still in 10.6.2

This bug still exists in Mac OS X 10.6.2. I thought for sure they'd have fixed that one.

Kindle Illustrations Precursor

A few days ago I mentioned a book that was more expensive on Kindle than in hardcover. They've since updated that pricing, but that's not the point.

The point is that the book - which I've had for awhile now thanks to Barnes and Noble's disregard for what may or may not even be an actual release date of November 12 - has a lot of illustrations in it. It has some pulled quotes and a lot of other little side notes and other things as well.

I think I'll scan a few pages and do a direct comparison, and post the results here. I think the Kindle may disappoint in this area. 16 shades of grey might not really cut it… For most books, clearly, that's not an issue.

I'll link back to this post when the comparison is up.

Salary Cap in Baseball

Zzzzzzzzzzz. The recurring joke about the inability of the Yankees to win a World Series while paying one player more than the entire Pirates payroll has come to an end, but the argument remains the same: baseball needs a salary cap.

Doesn't mean we'll see one in the next 10 or 20 years, but it's needed.

Cynical Peak and the One Finger Discount

If you've heard about the one finger discount, you'll be pleased to know that Cynical Peak is honoring the coupon code.

But you didn't hear it from me, mmmkay?

Ooooooh, Canon 7D

Y'know, I should have known better than to read the Canon 7D review at DPReview. Now I'm trying to figure out how I can get one to replace my 5D.

Since getting the 5D Mark II, I haven't used the 5D much. It's come in handy when I've needed to use two lenses without having time to swap them, but the last time I needed that was May or June. It's still a great camera and it's still in great shape.

For $1700? I can wait. I'm not all that serious about getting this, but 8 FPS and another camera that can do video would be nice. I like the 19-point AF sensors. APS-C, eh. Don't much care for that.

It compares favorably against the Nikon D300S and the Pentax K-7.

Anyone want to buy a 5D? OK, I'm kidding. Kind of. Maybe. Mostly? 🙂

iPhone Pic: Who’s Stach?

Oh, silly FSN and their prepared graphics… But they were right to wonder: who is is better?


Orpik JawsFortunately, an even better image came as a result of this game.

You'll have to read Pensblog to see the original. And you'll have to have already read Pensblog for a long time to really get it.