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Archive for January, 2006

Yesterday I took the Touareg in for its 5K oil change. I also had the fire blanket installed under the hood (it should have been there all along). I've been waiting for the iPod adapter since August or so, and last wrote about it in early November. I got the iPod adapter yesterday. As suspected, […]

Grokster Seized

From the "government threatening its citizens" department comes this nugget (visit The United States Supreme Court unanimously confirmed that using this service to trade copyrighted material is illegal. Copying copyrighted motion picture and music files using unauthorized peer-to-peer services is illegal and is prosecuted by copyright owners. There are legal services for downloading music […]

I have an Apple Developer hardware discount and I won't be using it. It expires at the end of February. In a completely unrelated note, I have a PayPal account and I also happen to like iTunes gift certificates. 😉

Question: Do you like Mac OS X's font rendering more, less, or the same as Mac OS 9's? Why or why not? My Answer: Articles like "Coping With Mac OS X's Font Rendering" irk me. I, along with many, think that the font rendering in Mac OS X is far superior to that of Mac […]


I just read Mark Cuban's investment advice and am happy to say that within the next month or so, Carey and I are going to be opening a savings account with a pretty good interest rate. My original plan was to be able to do this after one year of home ownership, but we're going […]

Suck at Pool

I suck at pool. I played a game of "golf" today and didn't break 100. Billiards Golf, that is. I'm taking a class by Tom Simpson, a Master BCA (Billiards Congress of America) instructor. Unlike with golf, I don't plan to teach myself pool - I'd like to get good quickly, not via trial and […]

CSS Test Entry

This is my test entry. I'll use it to test just about everything I could do in a standard file. You can already see the em and strongs. How about a strike?

New Year Resolutions

I don't make new year resolutions, because I tend to believe that if you're serious about improving yourself as a human being, you should resolve to make positive changes in your life throughout the year, not just after a dramatic event (someone dying, a breakup, financial collapse, etc.) or because the calendar reads "January 1." […]