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Archive for the 'Computing' Category

iTunes Ping a While Out

So iTunes with Ping has been out for awhile now. Do you use it? {democracy:77} I don't. I did at first - I added five or six people - but I have two major issues with it: No tabs. I see the list on my Ping home page and I want to command-click ten things […]

TST Redesigns

Thoughts on any of these? sandtrap-skin-v1-with-content.jpg sandtrap-skin-v2-with-content.jpg sandtrap-skin-v4-1.jpg sandtrap-skin-v5.jpg sandtrap-skin-v6.jpg sandtrap-skin-v7.jpg

iTunes Outdated Information

Notice that "Apps" in iTunes has x updates listed. Click "Check for Updates" in the "Apps" section of iTunes. You're taken to the iTunes store, and click "Get all updates" (or whatever it's called). You sign in. You get the dialog box above and need to revert to step 2. So friggin' annoying.

Thanks to people here and elsewhere upgrading by using me as their referrer, I've gone up from 2 GB of free storage to 6.2 GB of free storage. I'm currently using about 70% of the 6.2 GB I get for free ((1.5 GB or so are a collection of videos I've downloaded or recorded for […]

Reply-To Lies

Let me just say - I hate hate hate when the "From" name does not match the "reply-to" address in an email. For example, a friend of mine named "Bob" posts to a blog to which I've subscribed to the comments, or a forum. I get an email that says "from: Bob" and I reply […]

Facebook Lists

I've just spent 20 minutes or so adding friends to two lists on Facebook: "Friends & Family" and "Golf." I thought that posts could be made available to people based on the list in which you've put them, but I can't seem to find that option. Is it available somewhere? Am I missing it somehow?

Oldie but a Goodie

Steve Jobs in 1997.

In October I implemented Paging Keys on The Sand Trap forum. I used this GitHub repository. It's now MIA… any idea where it's gone? I've backed up a copy of the paging keys JavaScript file here: If someone can find its new home I'd be appreciative, as I'm missing the directions (not that they'd […]

In addition to solving this problem, it's a little bit more secure to leave all of those buttons unchecked.

Bye Dotster, Hello GoDaddy

I have a lot of domains up for renewal at about the same time - late August. Dotster loves to charge about $16 or $17 to renew domains. For two years, it'll run me about $460 just for the essential domains. I can transfer the domains to GoDaddy and get a year of renewals on […]

I type in "apple" to go to and the stupid thing auto-completes a news story from CNN about Apple. Or I type in "directv" and I get a URL on about DirecTV. The URL should always take precedent, I think. I rarely want to search the way it wants to - by keywords. […]

Adobe vs. Apple

See "Safari" anywhere on that one flower to the left? Hmmm… didn't think so. Got two Chromes though!


Who says "Macintosh" anymore?

Downloading YouTube Videos

Section 5B of the YouTube Terms of Service says: Content is provided to you AS IS. You may access Content for your information and personal use solely as intended through the provided functionality of the Service and as permitted under these Terms of Service. You shall not download any Content unless you see a "download" […]

This bug - what else can you call it when a rather popular browser just completely drops support for a somewhat common way to encode an incredibly popular file type - cost me several hours of time. JPEGs encoded in the CMYK simply show up as the little red "x" with no explanation whatsoever. I […]