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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Email

Question: What's the email you most regret sending? My Answer: My previous post details one of mine (I shouldn't write email past 2am, I suppose), but it's not the "worst." The worst was one I wrote to blow off steam and accidentally sent to an employee a few years ago. Needless to say, on emails […]

QotD: Christmas Music

Question: What's the earliest date that companies should be allowed to play Christmas music? My Answer: The day after Thanksgiving. I was on hold today with company XYZ listening to Christmas music. The day after Halloween. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Costume

Question: What's the best costume you ever wore for Halloween? My Answer: I was Kermit the Frog for many years, and won many, many awards. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Bodyfood

Question: Have you ever eaten food off of someone else's body? If so, what was it? My Answer: I must admit that I have, in fact, consumed small quantities of chocolate syrup and whipped cream from the bodice of another. I don't even particularly like chocolate syrup. You are encouraged to answer the Question of […]

QotD: ID3 Tags

Question: What percentage of your MP3s (or AACs, or whatever) have their metadata (album, artist, year, etc.) completed? Partially completed? My Answer: 100%. Except for some album art I've yet to get, of course, because that involves the tedious process of using to get the images, selecting all the songs in that album, dragging […]

QotD: Sharks

Question: What's the closest you've ever been to a wild shark? My Answer: I've touched one. 🙂 Duh (see today's other entry). You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Chat

Question: What's your chat client of choice? My Answer: Adium. And before that, Adium. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Fragmentation

Question: Do you defragment your hard disk(s)? Regularly? Ever? My Answer: Never. Though erasing, installing a new OS, and drag-copying my old files back over is a pretty effective way of doing so. Then today I read this: While we're talking about the not so well known/hidden new Panther features: while digging through the kernel […]

QotD: Age

Question: What's the toughest age? My Answer: I'm watching Try Seventeen right now, so I'm tempted to say 17. However, I'm going to go with 21 or 22. You're new to the world, you're new to life, you're new to a new location, you're new to working for a living. You're born again, in a […]

QotD: Panther

Question: Are you getting it? Did you get it? Did you install it? Did you like it? My Answer: Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Duh. 😀 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Meat World

Question: Has the use of the Internet harmed your "real-world" or "meat-world" relationships? My Answer: No, it's strengthened them. I use the Internet in two modes: information gathering and communication. They're very similar, but you can also think of them as "readnig" and "writing." As an information gathering device, the Internet is great. I can […]

QotD: Feelings

Question: What's the strongest feeling? My Answer: I think I'm going to go with hate. This is both a highly personal question, and an odd one to be asked, because I'm trying to give an answer that's not at all personal. I've been in love, I've come close to falling in love, and I think […]

QotD: Lamest Sport

Question: What's the lamest sport? My Answer: Auto racing. Drivers piss themselves because there are no restroom breaks and the real "athletes" are multi-million dollar cars. Yet they call it a sport. It may be a race, but it's one that requires substantially less effort by the human than the machine. I don't consider any […]

QotD: This Decade

Question: For what do you think this decade will be remembered most? My Answer: The downfall of the music industry as we know it. Of course, that may be wishful thinking, but we'll see. I couldn't think of much better. The 90s are known for the Internet age, I think. It may be too early […]

QotD: Oxymoron

Question: What's your favorite oxymoron? My Answer: Today I heard the phrase "critical praise" and it just sounded odd. Not a true oxymoron, because by "critical" it means "from someone or a group of someones who is/are critic(s)," but it still sounded odd. My absolute favorites are often computing terms that pop up from time […]