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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Pop Culture

Question: What's your biggest pop culture sin? My Answer: I suppose 80s music may be mine. I dig it. No, I don't think it's artistic or "good music" but it's typically fun, upbeat, mindless stuff to which you can work. I listen to 80s music, well, let's just say more than someone sitting around in […]

QotD: Uninvent

Question: If you could uninvent one thing so that it would no longer exist, what would you choose? My Answer: Religion. I'm fairly certain that people would find something else over which to fight, but I know I'd be interested in seeing the result. Religion has caused or at least complicated nearly every war I […]

QotD: Artifact

Question: If you could discover one item that belonged to someone in history, whose would it be and what would it be? My Answer: The Holy Grail. After all, if Monty Python and Indiana Jones can't get to it, then it'd certainly be an accomplishment if I could find it. The Ark came in second, […]

QotD: Magazine

Question: If you could be on the cover of any magazine next month, which magazine would it be and what would the caption say? My Answer: Fortune and the caption would say "America's Newest Billionaire Bachelor." That or Playgirl. I'm not sure yet. 😉 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for […]

QotD: Fate

Question: What's the best example of fate that you can think of? My Answer: My mind immediately went to Hamlet's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and then jumped over to Romeo and Juliet. In real life, well, this question really depends on how you define fate. I don't believe that everyone is on a path that's unchangeable […]

QotD: Sex Toll

Question: If you had to pay one dollar for every time you thought of sex in any form, how long would it be before you went bankrupt? My Answer: Since I've got school loans, a car loan, etc., my net worth is probably already $0. But let's assume I own everything and have no debt. […]

QotD: Butt

Question: If you could grab the buttocks of someone famous, whose would you grab? My Answer: Jennifer Lopez is an obvious answer, but I've never quite seen what all the ruckus was about. I'm a tummy/leg kinda guy, so whatever ass is attached to those two things tends to be okay by me. But it's […]

QotD: Candy Bar

Question: If you could design your ideal candy bar, what would be your ingredients? My Answer: Caramel, dark chocolate, nougat, and those krispy things. That sounds about right. My favorite real-world candy bar is either a Snickers or a 100 Grand, depending on my mood. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day […]

QotD: Strip

Question: How many strip clubs have you been to? How many had male strippers? My Answer: I've been to one strip club. One. I went about six times (two times a year for three years straight). That's it. I haven't gone since I came to Florida. What's odd about a strip club is that it's […]

QotD: Move

Question: If you could move anywhere, where would you move? My Answer: Paris, France. They have the best desserts and some pretty attractive women to boot! You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Redheads

Question: Who is your favorite redhead? My Answer: Kate Winslet had red hair in Titanic, kind of, didn't she? Does she count? If no, then Tom Cruise's ex is pretty spiffy, as is my friend Lisa. Hmmm, tough call. Pebbles had red hair, didn't she? Bah, forget it, let's just go with Nicole. You are […]

QotD: Hunting

Question: Hunting: good or bad? My Answer: Good. No, not every hunter is good - some are outright pricks and they give the other 99% - the honest, sporting hunters - a bad name, just as a few bad CEOs can make everyone who owns a business seem a bit shady. However, the vast majority […]

QotD: Concert

Question: If you could have been at any single event in the history of mankind, which even would you have attended? My Answer: There are too many to choose, so I'm going to have to go with the first halfway decent answer I can think of: the landing of the man on the moon. It's […]

QotD: Street Smarts

Question: Are "street smarts" and "common sense" the same thing? Why or why not? My Answer: I'm going to go with no. Street smarts is something gained through experience, the "knowing the ins and outs" of a system. Common sense is more innate, a second nature of sorts. Street smarts is knowing how to talk […]

QotD: Sex Count

Question: If you had to name everyone with which you've ever had sex, how accurate could you be? My Answer: 100%. It's easy when you're as picky as I am. And when you're in a five-year monogamous relationship during your sexual peak. 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself […]