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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Neighborhood

Question: If you could change one thing about your city, town, or neighborhood, what would you change? My Answer: I would make the average age of its residents 23. I would make them all female. I would make them all attractive and intelligent. I would make them all single and desperately in need of some […]

QotD: Snow

Question: What is the oddest thing you've ever done in the snow? My Answer: One time, in early March, I just couldn't get the golf bug out of my system. In two and sometimes three feet of snow (and sometimes just a wee bit of grass), I headed up to my favorite course and played […]

QotD: eBay

Question: What is the most you've ever spent on eBay for a single purchase? My Answer: $8. I use eBay to sell things, but very rarely do I buy anything. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Bad Words

Question: What is the worst word you can think of for a body part (male or female)? My Answer: I've never really liked the four-letter "c" word (as it pertains to a woman's sensitive region). In fact, it's my least favorite word. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in […]

QotD: Candles

Question: What is your favorite candle scent? My Answer: I used to say vanilla, but lately I'm quite taken by a "grape" scent from Yankee Candle. It reminds me of the place I used to live in PA. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on […]

QotD: Extinction

Question: If you could bring back one animal from extinction, which would you choose? My Answer: The saber-toothed tiger. Then I'd train them and sic them on people for which I don't care. 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Overrated

Question: Who is the most overrated actor? Actress? My Answer: Ben Affleck is an easy choice. The guy's got one character. Compare him to, I dunno, Sean Penn, who may be one of the most underrated actors, and compare their roles. Actress? Brittany Murphy, perhaps. Julia Roberts is close - she's not as bad an […]

QotD: Pirating

Question: How much software have you pirated? My Answer: When I was 18, before I started my e-zine Apple Wizards, I pirated as much as anyone. Oddly, though, it was mostly for "prestige" of sorts - I rarely if ever used any of the software to which I had registration codes. Since then, I've "pirated" […]

QotD: Cuisine

Question: If you could master one type of cuisine, what would it be? My Answer: Is "French Desserts" a cuisine? You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Classic

Question: What's Up? My Answer: The sky. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Sports

Question: If you could coach any current sports team professionally, which would you choose? My Answer: The Pittsburgh Steelers. Then the Penguins. Then the Pirates. Get the picture? You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Habits

Question: If you could eliminate one habit your significant other has, what would it be? My Answer: Being entirely critical without accepting any responsibility for improving the relationship herself. How's that for bitter? 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Film

Question: Have you ever filmed yourself having sex? My Answer: Nope. Heck, I've never filmed myself doing anything except swinging a golf club. I've used my iSight to "film" myself sitting in a chair having a video chat if you want to be entirely too broad. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the […]

QotD: Elimination

Question: If you could eliminate one thing from sex, what would it be? My Answer: Disease. When you begin dating someone, it's an awkward moment when you have to pause and say "you haven't got any diseases, do you?" People lie (otherwise honest people), and some people may not know they've got a disease until […]

QotD: Injury

Question: Have you ever injured yourself during sex? My Answer: No. I did, however, once get a bloody nose when a knee unexpectedly smacked into my face. Not pleasant, and were it not for Celine Dion on the ol' CD player*, a quick way to spoil the evening. * No, I'm not joking. Unfortunately. You […]