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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Hospital

Question: What's the longest stay you've had in a hospital? My Answer: Overnight, when I had my tonsils removed at age six. My family is typically very healthy. The last stay I had in the hospital was six hours, which is about five hours and forty-five minutes too long to reset a dislocated shoulder. I […]

QotD: Drinks

Question: How many drinks per hour put you over the edge? My Answer: I drank a fourth of Jack in half an hour and was still coherent, upright, and really quite well. Alcohol doesn't seem to have much of an effect on me. I drink for taste, which means to say I typically order a […]

QotD: Crash

Question: Have you ever been in a car accident? Caused one? My Answer: Yes and no. One time, riding in the passenger seat of a pickup truck after grabbing some hockey gear in Erie, we crested a hill and began going downwards towards a red light. I said "red." "Red!" "RED!!!" and the driver swerved […]

QotD: Cheating

Question: If your spouse cheated on you, what would you do? My Answer: I'd like to say I'd leave her immediately, but frankly, I know I probably couldn't. If I'm married, then I'm committed, and if she's cheated, she's either scum (I'd leave her) and that act would open my eyes, or she and I […]

QotD: Sex Change

Question: If you could take all that you know now about life, and return as either a man or a woman of equal attractiveness, which would you choose? My Answer: I'd return as a woman. As a guy currently, I believe I would possess the necessary knowledge to be able to manipulate men to achieve […]

QotD: Serenade

Question: If every night you could have one singer serenade you, who would that singer be? My Answer: None of the pop stars count. Celine Dion is out, regardless of the number of ballads she's taken to the top of the charts. I don't know enough about the classic singers to make an educated choice. […]

QotD: Country Girls

Question: What country produces the best looking women? My Answer: The good old United States of America! That, or Colombia. Or Italy. Or Paris. Or Sweden. Spain, maybe? You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Damn Madden

So as I just said not too long ago, I'm picking up a copy of Madden 2004 for my PS2 tomorrow. Only after having laid down the money for the game do I bother to read the reviews, and here's what I find: Speaking of finances, once the preseason is completed, that's when you're able […]

QotD: Color Elimination

Question: If you could eliminate one main color (purple, green, blue, red, black, white, brown, etc.) from existence, what color would get the heave-ho? My Answer: I'm going to have to go with orange. Even though it's one of my favorite colors, I think red and yellow could more than make up for its loss. […]

QotD: Consent

Question: If you could set a national age of consent, what would it be? My Answer: Though I know far too many people who only half-jokingly say things like "if there's grass in the field, play ball," my answer is a very solid, very firm "18." You are encouraged to answer the Question of the […]

QotD: Best of Women

Question: What's the best thing about women? My Answer: Cop-out answer: there's no one thing. Each woman has her own unique qualities. Real "I'm being forced to answer my own question properly" answer: they're not men. What do I mean? That they have a whole different approach to life. I think that if men and […]

QotD: Diet

Question: If you had to characterize your diet in one word, what would that word be? My Answer: Meat. And don't go taking that any weird ways, you perverts. 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Star Wars

Question: If you could be any Star Wars character, who would you be, and why? My Answer: I'd choose not to be a Star Wars character. Rather, I'd choose to be a real-world person who could somehow convince George Lucas to hire someone to write the scripts. That way, we wouldn't end up with lines […]

QotD: IQ

Question: What is your IQ? Do you feel it's accurate? Do you feel it's the strongest factor in a person's ability to succeed, and if not, what is? My Answer: 150. My low was a 142, my high a 164 (which I don't quite believe at all). Either way I'm in the top 1% or […]

QotD: Countries

Question: How many countries have you visited? My Answer: All of three: the United States of America (duh), Canada, and France. I didn't even have a layover in Portugal or anything. 🙁 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.