Posted November 24th, 2013 @ 12:10pm by Erik J. Barzeski
I thought that the inclusion of iTunes Match would bump up the accuracy of another of iTunes' features - "Complete My Album." However, that does not seem to have happened.
A good example is the track "The Lifting" by R.E.M. from their album Reveal. This is a track I originally bought on the CD, ripped to iTunes myself, and which was later matched by iTunes Match.

iTunes knows I have this track. It's in its own Match database. Yet it asks me to buy it - and every other track on the album - to "complete my album"?
And it does this for a hundred other albums as well, making "Complete My Album" not only a joke, but one that can have you purchasing duplicate song and wasting your money if you are too lazy to check whether you actually own the song already.
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Posted November 23rd, 2013 @ 06:49pm by Erik J. Barzeski
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Posted November 22nd, 2013 @ 06:47pm by Erik J. Barzeski

Plus tax!
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Posted November 21st, 2013 @ 06:46pm by Erik J. Barzeski
None of their listed awards were for "Great Spelling."

The tacos were great, but the desserts were a bit dry…
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Posted November 20th, 2013 @ 11:31am by Erik J. Barzeski
With ribbons!
I might play once in the snow (in the Ice Bowl). Twice would be a stretch…
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Posted November 19th, 2013 @ 04:25pm by Erik J. Barzeski
I'm going to start figuring out how to make my own Deep Dish pizza. Real Deep Dish .com looks like a promising start… as does the Chicago Style sub-forum at
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Posted November 18th, 2013 @ 02:50pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Shirt Pocket Watch - Mavericks
For the tl;dr crowd out there, SuperDuper! 2.7.1 backs up Mavericks just fine, so we've got you covered, day-and-date, with backups.
In addition, I'm happy to announce that we will, have an even better Mavericks-compatible release 2.7.2 available shortly.
Unfortunately that post is over a month old, and 2.7.1 hasn't been updated in over a year.
… BUT, it still works fine. I just get nervous now and then when tools I rely on daily go a long time without updates. And then when their updates are blog posts that are a month old…
But I'm sure this will be fine. I look forward to the 2.7.2 update.
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Posted November 17th, 2013 @ 01:48pm by Erik J. Barzeski
A strong man did this when I was in high school. Who knew it was more a magic trick than a demonstration of strength? I didn't.
P.S. I've done this, now, and it works exactly as described.n
NSLog(@"Finish Reading %d Words", 129); »
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Posted November 16th, 2013 @ 10:16am by Erik J. Barzeski
Could it be any paler? ((Is "paler" a word?)) Gee whiz. I'm all for readability of the actual events, but I should be able to tell, at a glance, where "today" sits on the calendar. My eyes should be attracted to it when I'm looking for it specifically. The pale pink barely stands out at all.
Posted in Apple | 1 Comment »
Posted November 15th, 2013 @ 03:09pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Knock on wood, but Safari 7.0.1 (in beta currently) seems to eliminate the crashes in the RTE.
Knock on wood.
P.S. A hardware problem this is not.
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Posted November 14th, 2013 @ 04:31pm by Erik J. Barzeski
I'm reading On Writing Well again. I try to do this yearly, but I fail more often than I succeed.
I spent five minutes writing this post. 😛
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Posted November 13th, 2013 @ 03:03pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Microsoft's dystopian pitch for remote work by David of 37signals
Microsoft is launching a new marketing campaign for Office 365 that celebrates working during your kid's recitals, on vacation, and while enjoying the appetizer at a restaurant. All this under the guise of "balance" between work and life. Yes, it's horrible.
Didn't Microsoft run a bunch of ads a few years ago for Windows Phone that talked about how you should start enjoying life and stop looking at your phone and doing work while at your kid's recital, on vacation, while enjoying your appetizer, etc.?
Posted in Computing | No Comments »
Posted November 12th, 2013 @ 11:09am by Erik J. Barzeski
Ars Technica: Apple's iCloud Keychain: It works, but with frustrating limitations.
I have something like 440 logins saved in 1Password. I have no plans to use anything but 1Password on my two Macs, currently. It's simple, straightforward, efficient, and relatively feature-packed (it also includes secure notes, software registration information, and other things iCloud Keychain does not have).
Yet on the iPhone or iPad, using 1Password is still really annoying.
So I'd like to use iCloud Keychain within Safari on my iOS devices, but I'm not sure there's a way to mass export my 1Password logins into my iCloud Keychain. I could easily manually enable the iCloud Keychain use in Safari on my Mac, visit the top ten or twenty sites, and get the information into the iCloud Keychain, but even that sounds like a lot of work.
Is there a way to sync or export or copy 1Password Logins to the iCloud Keychain?
Search results aren't promising.
NSLog(@"Finish Reading %d Words", 380); »
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Posted November 11th, 2013 @ 11:05am by Erik J. Barzeski
Bit of a brain fart today. I've been annoyed since Mavericks shipped when "Space 3" would keep constantly arranging itself second in the list of (three) Spaces. Finally, today after looking at something related to Spaces did I see this second checkbox and uncheck it:

I'm not sure why anyone would ever want to have Spaces rearranging themselves, but if you're like me and you've assigned things to specific Spaces and like to keep your Spaces in order, you'll want to make sure that checkbox is unchecked as well.
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Posted November 10th, 2013 @ 03:23pm by Erik J. Barzeski
New United Parcel Service software aims to cut delivery time and save fuel…
Ultimately, the software could save UPS millions of gallons of gas each year and about $50 million in the United States in fuel costs, Perez said. It's one of many adjustments UPS has made to save time and fuel. Since 2004, the company has discouraged drivers from taking left-turns on their routes, saving millions of gallons of gas. And in the past year, UPS has been implementing keyless trucks, so drivers don't have to waste time searching their pockets for keys.
Is that the stuff that tells the UPS driver that the best time to deliver a package to my house - a package that's been on his truck since 5:45am - is 7:35pm??? 🙂
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