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OneWord: Paper

The best thing about being out of college is not having to write papers anymore. Instead, I get to write here on my blog, and in the end, I write more than if I was forced to write things. Simple! I like to read, too, and that's another great thing about graduating: I read more because I get to read what I want, not what I'm told to or must. Other than that, I like to shred paper.

This 60-second entry was brought to you by today's word from OneWord™.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shawn discusses another article about keyboard shortcuts and how they "suck" on the Mac.

My own take: I love using command (Macs), I hate using control (PCs). I love that cmd-A (Mac) works everywhere. I hate that ctrl-A (PCs) works the same in very few PC apps (and even within text fields in the same app it may or may not work).

On the issue of menu control: sure, it'd be nice. We have it already using arrow keys, as Shawn discusses, but isn't the potential for further confusing users greater on Windows? How many newbies do you ever see using keyboard shortcuts on Windows, let alone the menu keyboard shortcuts. So for pros, sure, the argument has merit.

The keyboard shortcuts that do exist, though? The Mac is better. Hands down: more consistent, more thought out, and more intuitively named.

QotD: Stuck in an Airport

Question: If you had to be stuck for hours in any airport, which would you want it to be?

My Answer: I'm tempted to say either of the Parisian airports, but right now my gut is telling me Tokyo. After all, that airport may have the most gadgets to keep me occupied.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Safari’s Auto-Complete

Add this one to my Top 10 Safari Issues: the auto-completion of shortcuts.

I type "hns/" which expands to "" via TypeIt4Me about a billion times a day, and every time, before I can even press enter, Safari's auto-completed it to some other page (typically my MovableType installation).

I'm seriously contemplating using Camino or OmniWeb until this is fixed. Until then, consider this item 0 on my Top 10 List of Lame Safari Bugs, Annoyances, or Feature Requests.


Clearly from the Got Old Fast department, has dropped off of my blogroll (not on the site yet, but in my news aggregator). It was funny while it lasted, but the funny didn't last.

New Apple Store

Jamie notes the new She's a bit polite with "I can't say it's much of an improvement." I would tend to agree. It looks a bit cluttered. I hope that customers will find it useful, but I miss the big blocky "click me!" icons for each of Apple's four main hardware products.

At least it's not brushed metal. 🙂


This may be the only entry I post today due to, well, I'll get into it later.

Update: Here's a retelling of what's happened. It all began back when my Interland server/hosting account was moved from a Freedom to a VPS account. The move went fairly well, and I had my old server, with an IP beginning with 66, taken offline once I'd verified that the new server, 64.*, was working properly.

QotD: Old Age Ailments

Question: If you could avoid one physical ailment in your old age, what would it be?

My Answer: I would avoid arthritis. I do not want anything to hurt when I sit down, when I get up, when I sneeze, when I uncap a bottle, when I drive, or when I hug my wife extra tight.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Bending it Like Beckham

bend_beckham_poster.jpgLast night I saw Bend it Like Beckham with my friend Jen.

The movie, nearly two hours long, offers nothing terribly new from a macro view: character struggles to overcome adversity, tradition, and a well-meaning-but-misguided family and succeeds in the end, maturing as an individual. However, zoomed in a little, flecks of originality abound. The sheer fact that it's effectively a sports movie about a woman's team is new. About an Indian family, fairly new (My Big Fat Greek Wedding beat them to the "let's make a comedy out of other people's cultures!" punch most recently). About rampant lesbianism found in women's sports? I'll talk more about that later, but the short answer: no, thank goodness.

iChat and AIM

Tom Coates talks about iChat and some improvements he'd like to see made. First he talks about how iChat lacks groups (something I use in Adium and simply require of an AIM client), and how iChat might manage groups with different windows. He goes on to say…

… then I started thinking about the other effects that could have - what if each window handled login information separately? What if each one used the inbuilt AIM buddy-blocking system on-the-fly so you could spontaneously decide to disappear from the world of your work colleagues while staying online with all your friends and family. Or the other way around? It's surely just an interface tweak?

QotD: One Additional Holiday

Question: If you could add a holiday to the calendar, what would it be and why?

My Answer: I would add a silent holiday - a day in which you weren't supposed to talk to anyone, or say much of anything. Radios and televisions would go down for the day, and people could use the time to think, or to read, or to write in their journals (though not weblogs!). A bit unusual, but I think the world would be a little better place if all of us introspected a little more often.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

OneWord: Reflect

Reflect is the OneWord for today and I like to reflect on my life. I'm in a new quasi-relationship, I'm starting a new job, and my Cherry Coke isn't quite cold yet. I reflect in more than mirrors (if I didn't I suppose I'd be a vampire or something). Ponds too. Jamie uses Ponds face cloths, and I think some are beside my sink. I'm not sure. They're not reflective, though, I know that.

This 60-second entry was brought to you by today's word from OneWord™.

Further Proof that Dave Winer is a Jackass

As if the world needed more, the discussion following the commentary on Dave's CSS rant shows what an immature ass the guy is and always has been.

Four Movies with Jen

For a so-called movie fan, I sure as hell don't seem to know much about the movies. For example, Jen asked me which of the following four I want to see with her tonight>

  • Bend it Like Beckham
  • Lilya 4-Ever
  • Better Luck Tomorrow
  • The Young Unknowns
  • God help me but I've never heard of any of 'em.

    Ahh, now that I've seen them in Sherlock, I've actually heard of Better Luck Tomorrow. I think were seeing Bend it Like Beckham though.

    Safari Window Sizing

    Annoyed that Safari sometimes forgets your preferred window size? Here's an AppleScript (great for ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Safari) and a bookmarklet that will resize your browser windows for you.