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Archive for February, 2004

QotD: Least of X

Question: What is your least favorite thing about Mac OS X? My Answer: My overall opinion is clearly very high. I had to stretch a little for my least favorite answer, but here it goes: the inability to run the installer from the CD while using the computer to do other things (and install onto […]

QotD: iPod mini

Question: Did you get one? My Answer: I think I'm going to get a green one. I'll listen to it while I'm on my kayak. They're TEEEEEENY! It'll easily fit in my shirtpocket. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Need Picture Viewer for Windows

Please help. A friend of mine has 18 JPEGs and TIFFs (he can convert them to any format) that total 277 MB. He needs to burn a CD (on a Mac) that has the images in the highest quality possible. That's easy. Where I need help: he needs a picture viewer that works with Windows. […]

Like a Beetle

I'll explain this more in the extended entry… me: i have to be careful with you, you know... me: that shoulder shirk while leaving is only the start of it 🙂 her: LOL, why's that me: you're one of those sinkholes me: female sinkholes me: or, more like those sand traps those beetles build her: […]

Creative and Horny Seeks SWF

At least he's got a sense of humor. Too good not to post. Plus I don't go to work until 5 today. 🙂

Suicide Girls

I don't find the image to the right appealing in any way. I've never found women with 25% or more of their bodies covered in tattoos to be extra-sexy. I've never found goth sexy. I've never found entirely too much eyeshadow/eyeliner to be sexy. I'm a big fan of "girl next door" and whatnot, and […]

QotD: Plain Text vs. HTML

Question: Email: plain text or HTML/styled? My Answer: Plain text, dammit. Plus, so much spam is HTML that my filters may be biased against HTML email. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

FTPeel 1.1.2

FTPeel 1.1.2 is out. Numerous bug fixes are included in this build (even though 1.1.1 is only a week old). I've emphasized the most important: Fixed an FTP-SSL server text parsing bug. The transfer status in the Transfers panel should be more accurate now. Fixed a bug that was preventing directory downloads and uploads from […]

Bye Bye Apps

I went on a bit of a tear today - though not as big as I had originally intended - and removed a few applications from my /Applications folder today. Actually, I put them onto .dmgs in case I should ever need them, but at least now they won't show up in LaunchBar. in other […]

I’d Buy It If…

From Brent Simmons' list of "I'd Buy it If" tactics comes this: I just played the demo of your game "Rock Star" and I enjoy it immensely! 🙂 However, there is one feature that kind of ruins it for me… I think you should allow people to to turn off the "disappearing answer options." I […]

Job Wide Opening: Mac PR Whore

I own a small (but growing!) Mac software company. So do about fifteen of my friends, and about 35 of my acquaintances. I excel at writing software. Debugging. Customer support. Drafting and choosing icons. You know: all of the geeky things. However, I suck at marketing and PR. It struck me today that that someone […]

QotD: Applications

Question: How many items have you got in /Applications? My Answer: 165. I'm going to be deleting some today, though. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Cingular Gets A T and Another T

AT&T is now owned by Cingular. I wonder if that means I can get my Motorola v600 (or v80) sooner? Doubt it. Better coverage? Hope so (not that I'm dissatisfied as is).

QotD: Promotion

Question: Have you ever been promoted (and I don't mean from counter clerk to fry master)? What was your increase in pay? My Answer: I was promoted last May, and I'm looking to be promoted again. Of course, within my own company, there's really no way to go in any direction. 🙂 You are encouraged […]

Video On-Demand

Akimbo is a new video-on-demand service. In the signup form they asked for my "content wishlist" and I supplied the answer "Fishing shows and porn. What more could any man ask for? :-)" We'll see how much fishing they actually get on there, eh? Heh.