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Archive for February, 2004

QotD: Restaurant

Question: Have you ever worked in a fast food restaurant (including Denny's, IHOP, etc.)? My Answer: The programmer in me wants to say "yes." So "yes." I used to work in a Boston Market back in, uhhh, 1996. I was hired in January at $4.25 or whatever minimum wage was back then, was promoted a […]

QotD: Judgmental

Question: Are you judgmental? My Answer: Nah. I know what I would do, I know what I'm comfortable with, but I don't force or impose my values on others. You wanna be gay? Go ahead. Wanna smoke? Go ahead. If you're blowing smoke on me or trying to hump me, then that offends me and […]

Redesigning NSLog();

Clearly I've left the sidebar on the right-hand side. That change stuck. As I check out Vinay's new blog I get a hampering to redesign mine a bit. I've long wanted to do just about what he's done - a subtle, muted color. Most of my images, though, have white backgrounds, so I've gotta stick […]

BBC Fishing Show

My friend Rob has told me a few times about a fishing show on the BBC, and I'm hoping that readers of my blog can help me figure out the name. The show airs on BBC here in the U.S. and is a competitive one that pits one man against another. They each fish a […]

QotD: Holidays

Question: What's your least favorite holiday? My Answer: I think that Labor Day is my least favorite holiday simply because it's so bland. Presidents, Columbus, mothers, fathers, independence, lovers, turkeys, and Jesus all have their own days. Labor day? What's that? Blah, that's what it is! I don't dislike it, but it's my least favorite. […]


As PulpFiction's deadline nears (we're shooting for March 1, which of course means sometime in August), we're weighing the two primary forms of documentation: a PDF document* or a series of HTML documents. PDFs are great in 10.3. Preview allows people to load PDFs quickly and perform live searches. PDF documnts can be copied or […]

ATI Demos

About 500 MB of downloads later, I must say that I'm quite impressed with the ATI Demos available for download. In two varieties - stand-alone and screensaver - these demos show off, well, here: The included applications highlight features of ATI's SMARTSHADER technology. ATI demonstrates its latest vertex and pixel shader generation (called Shader 2.0 […]

QotD: Disney

Question: What's your favorite Disney movie? What's your favorite non-Pixar Disney movie? My Answer: Toy Story. And then, uhhh… Mulan, perhaps? You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Eisner is an Idiot

Eisner is an idiot. "He created the computer, or at least Windows, or whatever he created, and did a good job," Eisner said to peals of laughter from analysts attending the company conference in Orlando, Florida. Eisner was addressing the collapse of talks between Disney and Pixar on extending their partnership, which has generated five […]

ExpressionEngine Again

As I consider moving to ExpressionEngine, I see a race of sorts. The race is between EE's "MT Import" script and MovableType 3.0. The first to win the race will get my vote (at least initially). As I wait, I read articles like this one which push me further from MovableType as my "solution." I've […]

QotD: Band

Question: If you could only listen to one band, group, or singer for the rest of your life, who would you choose? My Answer: R.E.M. With the variety of their 20-year career and the intelligence of the lyrics, I'd never get tired of their vast collection of music. You are encouraged to answer the Question […]

Magic Mirrors

Says one person on FTPeel's MacUpdate page: One word: Perfect. Magic Mirrors are of the gods. Several years ago I wrote to Cabel at Panic and said "hey, I have an idea." My idea was what is now a feature in my product: Magic Mirror in FTPeel. I said that an option to run Transmit […]

FSS Goes Update Crazy!

Freshly Squeezed Software has gone update crazy! Today we're releasing FTPeel 1.1.1, MailDrop 1.3.2, and Rock Star 1.0. A bit on each: Rock Star 1.0 [info | download] This game's gotten quite a bit of coverage the past few weeks here on NSLog();, so I won't belabor the point here. Most of you know what […]

Safari Shows Image Sizes

So, I'm not sure when it happened, but I noticed today that Safari now displays image sizes (i.e. "128 x 128 pixels") in the menu bar when you view an image. Yay! My best guess is that this happened in 1.2. I haven't seen any other mentions of this yet, and it's new to me. […]

QotD: Bond

Question: Who is your favorite Bond? My Answer: I know I'll get crap for this one, but I'm going with Pierce Brosnan. Sean Connery was the first, and that's important, but I think Pierce plays it better than anyone. I've seen every movie, too, so it's not youth talking. 🙂 You are encouraged to answer […]