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Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

The Danger of 404s with WordPress

Since converting this blog to WordPress about a week ago, I've had problems with the site. Since the MT->WP upgrade took place shortly ((mere minutes)) after upgrading the server's software components (PHP, Perl, MySQL, Apache, etc.), I thought perhaps something had gone wrong in the process. The problems? MySQL would spike to 25% or higher. […]

WordPress is Plugin Crazy

Currently I have a lot of WordPress plugins enabled. WordPress seemingly needs a lot more than MovableType to provide functionality MT provides out of the box (or via configurable settings that are somewhat well documented). The plugins are… Troubles owner Tom Werner says in "Gravatar 2.0 Update" that he hopes to have the site back up and "running as early as the beginning of next week." He said that over two weeks ago, and the site is still not up. I've turned on Gravatar support here at NSLog();, and will check the site […]

WordPress Likes and Dislikes

As you likely know, I've recently converted from MovableType (MT) to WordPress (WP) here at NSLog(); primarily as a "test run" for eventual movement of The Sand Trap. The move was not without its difficulties, and even as I write this entry days later, I've still not truly completed it. Having used MT for so […]

Gravatars Waiting to Be Enabled

I'm going to enable Gravatars as soon as you can sign up again. I'm not sure what maintenance they're doing, but it appears to have been going on for quite some tim.

Several WP Plugins Enabled

I've enabled (or am in the process of enabling) a bunch of WordPress plugins ((like this footnotes plugin)), as suggested by the many kind folks in the comments to my query entry. I will be using this entry (and the comments section) to try a few out, so if things are wonky for a few […]

WP-Cache purports to support the ability to publish certain things dynamically (like my rotating header images), yet this functionality seems broken in version 2.0.17. From the WP-Cache site: <!--mclude file.php--> <?php include_once(ABSPATH . 'file.php'); ?> <!--/mclude-->

Today, as I complete my move away from the wretched and steaming pile of doggy doo that is a MovableType installation with more than 20 entries or 50 comments to WordPress (which has plenty of quirks of its own), I notice this: Vox is now available. Hooray for SixApart, Ben, and Mena (seen at right […]

Rotating Header Images are Back!

Yes, one of the first things I ever did with my blog was rotate images. Everyone did in 2002 and 2003, didn't they? Well, with the current theme I'm using (and in the process of hacking… which will resume as soon as I clear up about 300 more entries that WordPress hosed over on the […]

Good WordPress Plugins

I'm looking for recommendations on good, useful, and fun WordPress plugins. Lay 'em on me (in the comments). Thanks!

I noticed today while doing some editing here on the WordPress version of NSLog(); that some of my image data was removed from my entries. Specifically, class="" and style="". I default my images in my blog to right-aligned and borderless. Occasionally I specify class="bordered" and style="float: none; margin-left: 0;" as the image and entry warrant. […]

MovableType Has to Go

I'm renewed in my focus to get WordPress to work here at NSLog(); and, eventually, at The Sand Trap. Why? % uptime 10:02AM up 53 days, 19:41, 1 user, load averages: 52.10, 79.45, 53.96 Seriously. Why? About 40 instances of my mt-comments.cgi (not the actual name of them) were running. I've renamed it - along […]

Setting Up WordPress, Part One

I'm in the process (it may take a few weeks) of setting up WordPress for this blog at I've installed it and will soon attempt to import my content. The first stumbling block I've encountered appears to be the PermaLinks. I'd like the underscore method to be used, but WordPress seems to prefer to […]

Since SixAapart is dog slow at fixing problems and adding features to MovableType, I've spent a little while today trying to implement my own mt-tb.cgi whitelist. It goes a little something like this: RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/mt-tb.cgi - [F] Unfortunately, that doesn't work. Even the last line, alone, fails to work. […]

MovableType has become a pile of crud lately. Like Khoi, I've seen an increased number of 500 type errors. I've seen server loads of 25 or higher multiple times the past few days, oftentimes simply because mt-speak.cgi and mt-tb.cgi are pounded on by spammers (the whitelist functionality I mentioned awhile ago may help solve that!). […]