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Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

Ecto 2.4 Linebreak Bug

Recently released ecto 2.4 has a bug re: linebreaks. I submit an article that looks like this and it comes back as being formatted like this. In MovableType, the original linebreaks are preserved. However, re-publishing the "broken" entry changes removes the duplicate line breaks (you know, the ones that insert paragraph breaks). This is 100% […]

The ‘feed://’ Protocol

When a user encounters a 404 on this site (and a few others I run), I run MovableType's search and show the results to the user (or forward them to the appropriate entry if there's only one match). I also send an email to myself, and lately they've been illustrated that a good many users […]

CSS Rules and Browser Support

This is a handy guide to which browsers apply which CSS rules.

Ridding Two Spaces

I think a previous version of MovableType liked creating double underscores "__" in URLs, typically when titles were of the "word + another" variety (two spaces separated by something that was stripped during "dirification"). I've gone through and re-created all the posts that had "__" in them to remove those double underscores. These double underscores […]

Quick Mod_Rewrite Question

If I have a URL like this: And I want to redirect users to: (swapping out /direc/ for /folder/), how would I write the mod_rewrite rule? I really should learn regular expressions one of these days.

TrackBacks: The Utility

Today I stumbled onto an article I wrote quite awhile ago (Mar/03!). It's called "TrackBacks Tough to Understand?" In 2004 TrackBack spamming swelled like crazy. As a result, many people turned TrackBacks off entirely, and their utility is still being debated by many.

Help with Throttling, Please?

I don't have any new information to add to the topic I've previously mentioned here and here, but I've not yet found a solution. This blog is hosted under a virtual private account with Interland, but the problems only really seem to have started with MovableType 3.2 (though I could be wrong about this). If […]

NSLog();’s MT Database

Prior to optimizing tables: 42.4 MB After optimizing tables: 15.4 MB (as reported by phpMyAdmin) I don't go around optimizing all the time, but that sure seems like an awfully large improvement. Perhaps it's all the spamments that I removed recently (by visiting my blog's MovableType (admin) home page).

Spamments with No Spam?

In the past minute, this blog has seen spamments from a and an email address that contain the content: I can't believe it, my co-worker just bought a car for $60006. Isn't that crazy! … and … Have you seen this before? It's a number guessing game: [url snipped]. I guessed 80584, and […]

Improving the 404 Search

I last wrote about the 404 Search in February 2003 (both here and here. Since that time, I've been using the 404 search code quite heavily on every site with MovableType (or any other blogging package). It's undergone some improvements, however, and the version currently used on The Sand Trap looks like this. An explanation […]

Bad Link Test

This is a bad link. I'm using it to test my 404 Search Code. Just ignore this entry, ok?

vBulletin TrackBack

vBulletin 3.5.x (I use it here) now includes an easier way to make plugins. Great… but I haven't seen a ton of useful plugins lately. You know what would be a nifty plugin? One that allowed you to send and receive TrackBacks. Then, I could ping the blog ( from the forum and vice versa […]

Dojo Rich Text Editing

I'll have to check back in with Dojo in the next few days or weeks. It's getting interesting.

Bleeker St

Recently I read Redesign/Realign at ALA, and today I stumbled onto ColorSchemer/Realign. One of the themes there, Bleeker St, appealed to me, and I've created a mockup of NSLog(); using the Bleeker tones. You can view the full-size JPEG by clicking the image below (in the individual entry page). I don't particularly care for it, […]

Me on MacZealots

I forgot to mention… Mike Zornek and I talk a little bit about Backup, the iPod Video Music Store, and the Mac OS x86 project. Grab the show here.