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Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

Ordered Lists Backwards

You know what would be nice? Something like this: <ol start="backwards"> It sure would be nice for numbering things like top-10 lists backwards (10, 9, 8, 7…).

Off the Record

I hate to pile on to the "blogasm", but Jeff has taken a stand on last night's West Wing. In it, Josh Lyman hit a Prius test-driving an SUV, and a blogger captured the story and the photo. Josh, in a huff, then called the blogger, berated them, and watched in surprise as his words, […]

Blogs vs. Forums

It is reasonable to suggest that a large chunk of blogs are just like forums with one difference: on a blog, the ability to create a new thread is limited to the authors of the blog. Why then has blogging software remained so far beyond forum software? Granted, forums and bulletin boards have existed since […]

Haloscan TrackBacks

Someone's been TrackBacking my blog, but not doing so properly. They do so via Haloscan (which, last I checked, was a third-party way to have comments on your blog). IP Address: URL: Title: QotD: One Change Weblog: Lowtech Excerpt: I must admit that i'm quite impressed by MacOSX features and capabilities. At leaat […]


Since when does <blockquote> require <p> tags inside of it?

New Policy

If I respond to your comment (they're all emailed to me with the "from" address you use in your comments), and it bounces back to me, your comment will be deleted. So, use a real email address. In exchange, I'll make you a promise: this blog will never display your email address if you provide […]

Design Done

I may have some tweaks here and there, but largely the redesign is done. What do you like? What do you hate? What would you change?

Design Changes

The site's going to be a mess for a day or two. The main page is mostly done (much tweaking to be done), but the individual archives and whatnot are going to be unstyled (or, rather, improperly styled). I tried to get away from having a sidebar, but you simply can't read content that's 800 […]

Utopia Font

I'm considering using "Utopia" in my new blog's design, but am not sure where the font comes from. Any ideas? It appears to be an Adobe font. I'll research it more after I work on the design more here in Photoshop, but I thought someone might have the answer before I get around to it.


Sometimes I revert to "college guy" mentality. 🙂 I still have no idea why I'd want to use Shared bookmarks? Uhm, okay. I already have bookmarks in Safari, and they're synced with .Mac. Why would anyone else care what I'm bookmarking? No idea.

Spam Slammed

I'm getting comment spammed quite a bit today. About 100 so far: far fewer than other "bursts," but these are coming from all over. What's worse: MT-Blacklist is having a hard time actually keeping up with it. I lowered my URL limit to 2 (meaning 3 or more is moderated), yet this doesn't stop the […]


I'm working on my Blacklist today. Lowering the URL limit to 3 has seemed to have some good effects, and so I am leaving that alone. Right now I'm replacing some blacklist strings: replacing four or five "health-insurance-from-us" type domains with the URLPattern "\binsurance\b," and adding some patterns like "\bsex\b" and "\blipitor\b". I have a […]

Golf Blog – The Sand Trap .com

So, the golf blog I've been working on is kicking around. You can find the golf blog, which I've named The Sand Trap .com, at We're working, day in and day out, to provide news coverage and more. We're looking to include a forum. In the meantime, look over the existing content, subscribe (the […]

TypeKey Entries

For some reason, comments from people who log in via TypeKey are not showing as TypeKey comments. I'm not sure what the deal is there, but I'm going to upgrade this blog from MT 3.0.1D to MT 3.1.1 now. Templates and the display of this site may be screwy for awhile. We shall see…

Gzip CSS

If I'm ever running up against any bandwidth limits, I'll now remember how to gzip my CSS.