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Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

Howdy folks: quick note here. I'm going to delete my index.rdf and index.xml files. These are version 0.92 and 1.0 feeds. Instead, use these feeds: feed:// feed:// feed:// I've posted this single entry to the now-restored index.rdf and index.xml files. I will be deleting them in the near future once again.

Adwords in Feeds

Does Google have any sort of method to put its Adwords in syndicated feeds? That would be interesting.

External Blog Editors

Like Brent, I've got a news aggregator. Unlike Brent's, mine does not have a built-in blog editor. Brent posted about supporting external editors, and now that I've had a chance to breathe, I've emailed Brent about his standard. We've shared a few emails the protocol and look forward to working with Brent to support it […]

MT3 and Users

I thought MovableType 3 would let me ban users and mark some users as "approved." This only seems to work for TypeKey users. Even my comments - posted using the same username, email address, and URL each time - are up for moderation each and every time* I have a user "lipitor" posting several spammy […]

QotD: MT3

Question: What do you think of MT3? My Answer: I think people have missed out on the fact that they're relying on the honor system. I also think upgrading this blog was far more difficult than it should have been. Their "upgrade help" pages are rather lacking currently. Plus I think I have to figure […]

MT3? Nah. Not Yet.

So MovableType 3 is out. I have two concerns: Pricing: it's now $69.95 at least. I only run one blog, dammit, and I gave them $50 over a year ago, and now I still have to pay another $25? Plugins: I use MT-Macro, MT-Blacklist, and MT-Timer. That's it. Yet I see no mention of how […]

Some Stylesheet Changes

I was so excited by EditCSS that I redesigned my blog's stylesheet. For those who are curious (or want to bitch or complain), check out the before and after shots for comparison.

For Comment Registration

Y'know what, after having a certain someone run through his (albeit meager) paces, I can't say comment registration would be such a bad thing. Nor would comment moderation. This person, upset that his inability to comprehend simple English has been pointed out, is on a tear (in his mind). He's leaving comments using other people's […]

February 2004 Zeitgeist

Every month (since February 2003) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's February's…

Redesigning NSLog();

Clearly I've left the sidebar on the right-hand side. That change stuck. As I check out Vinay's new blog I get a hampering to redesign mine a bit. I've long wanted to do just about what he's done - a subtle, muted color. Most of my images, though, have white backgrounds, so I've gotta stick […]

ExpressionEngine Again

As I consider moving to ExpressionEngine, I see a race of sorts. The race is between EE's "MT Import" script and MovableType 3.0. The first to win the race will get my vote (at least initially). As I wait, I read articles like this one which push me further from MovableType as my "solution." I've […]

Atom vs. RSS

Okay, so I've been looking at Atom support for this blog and whatnot, and there are a few things I can't figure out. I've looked at this page and a few others, and talked with Andy as well. Atom has a range where you can say "give me articles 734 through 800" or "give me […]


I am taking a serious look (via proxy) at ExpressionEngine today. This post is what's holding me back. Mark -- we are actively developing an import script. We hope to have it finished in a couple weeks. $200 for a professional blogging package? I'd pay it if migration took no more than a few hours […]

MovableType Sucks

I'm fed up right now. Fed up. My choices: Switch to another blogging package. Remove almost every index from my site. Deal with it. By "deal with it" I mean the ever-increasing time it takes to do anything on this site. My Computing: Mac category archive page - stripped of everything but the titles and […]

January 2004 Zeitgeist

Every month (since February 2003) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's January's…