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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Dishwasher

Question: Do you use your dishwasher to store dishes after they've been washed, or do you put them away every time? My Answer: I tend to wash dishes and unload as necessary. Dirty dishes are washed into the sink (or more often than not, left sitting in my office or on the coffee table, a […]

QotD: Widgets

Question: Of the available widgets (Apple's or otherwise), which do you like most? Please provide links if they're not default. My Answer: The weather, calculator, and conversion widgets are my favorites, all Apple-supplied. I've yet to find any other widgets worth keeping. I did download a Hula Girl widget, didn't like it, and deleted the […]

QotD: Dashboard

Question: Do you like Dashboard? My Answer: No. I want that stupid metal "dash" to be visible at all times. Until Dashboard offers that as a feature, well, I'm not sure it's very useful to me. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Tiger

Question: Are you running Tiger yet? My Answer: No. Apparently my copy won't arrive until May 5. 😛 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Speed Limit

Question: At how many miles per hour above the speed limit do you set the cruise control? My Answer: Four. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Job

Question: Are you happy with your current job? My Answer: Yes. But it won't be current much longer. 😉 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Hell

Question: Do you believe that Hell, as traditionally described, exists? My Answer: Hell exists in one's mind. I'm asking this question because a friend of mine recently told me that there are a lot of religious people who believe that "Hell" as everyone describes it is a myth, a fairy tale designed to teach children […]

QotD: Investments

Question: Daniel, in a comment on a previous entry, suggested that given the low mortgage rate, it's better to invest your money than to pay off a mortgage early. Today's question is simply this: what investments safely yield an 8% or higher return, can be easily withdrawn for large purchases (car, etc.), and require little […]

QotD: When to Mac

Question: If you weren't always a Mac user, how did you come to be a Mac user? My Answer: I've always been a Mac user, though for a few months my freshman year of college I used my roommate's PC. Then I bought my own Mac. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the […]

QotD: QotD

Question: If you could write one question of the day for me, with the guarantee that I'll use it if it's usable (and hasn't already been used), what would it be? My Answer: If you could write one question of the day for me, with the guarantee that I'll use it if it's usable (and […]

QotD: Home Essentials

Question: Carey and I are looking to make a list of home essentials. We've got a lot of everything already - furniture, cooking stuff, etc. - but we're curious as to what we may be forgetting. What things do you consider home essentials that two people who have lived on their own are unlikely to […]

QotD: Anger

Question: When you're angry with someone, how do you handle it? My Answer: I usually tell them in a straight-forward fashion that they're making me angry, though I do have a bit of a passive-aggressive streak sometimes. But it really takes quite a bit to make me angry. I'm intense, and sometimes people think I'm […]

QotD: Slashdotting

Question: If you knew you were going to be slashdotted, could you make money from it? My Answer: I bet you could, but I'm eager to see the response. No, I've not got any slashdot-worthy things coming my way (and this post hopefully won't result in such a thing). Just a question of the day… […]

QotD: CD or DVD

Question: Which do you burn more frequently: CDs or DVDs? My Answer: I burn them about equally. CDs when I want to give someone some iPhotos or other small files, DVDs when I'm burning Tiger builds, movies, or backups of things. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the […]

QotD: Desktop

Question: How many icons (and at what size) do you have on your desktop? What's your Icons/Megapixel rating? My Answer: 34 icons at 32 x 32. 34 icons on a 1920 x 1200 desktop (2.304 megapixels) gets an Icon/Megapixel rating of 14.76 I/MP. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself […]