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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Age of Consent

Question: Should there be a legal "age of consent?" If so, what should it be? If not, why not? My Answer: Without some age of consent, it would not be illegal for a 30 year-old to screw a ten year-old. That's wrong. This question comes on the heels of my question of the day about […]

QotD: Gambling

Question: What's the most you've ever lost gambling? My Answer: $20 tonight. I lost the majority of it playing Acey-Deucy, a game which I contest has absolutely no skill and is purely luck. I want to play cards and people, dammit, not just lucky or unlucky cards! Especially when all I could get was 5-6 […]

QotD: Adults

Question: Should people under the age of 18 be tried as adults? My Answer: A six year old that commits murder may not know any better, but what about a sixteen year old? Where do you draw the line? I think the courts system does its best, but a black and white line may make […]

QotD: Open Book

Question: How do you feel about open book tests? My Answer: I despised them. 10% of what I learned in college came from books. They didn't encourage you to study - instead, the encouraged you to literally memorize what information can be found next to what pictures. The high grades went to the people that […]

QotD: Mac

Question: Now that the Mac has been around for 20 years, what do you think has been the most significant improvement since the first release way back in 1984? My Answer: In one letter, word, and idea: X. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on […]

QotD: Birthday

Question: Birthdays: just another day or cause to call off work (and call in sick the next day)? My Answer: Just another day. But hey, I'll take any chance to get some presents that I can get, right? Nah, I usually don't make a big deal out of it. You are encouraged to answer the […]

QotD: Speed

Question: If your computer could do one thing more quickly, what would it be? My Answer: Process the massive amounts of email (errr, spam) that I get when I wake up in the morning. I hit check mail, mail downloads, and then… zzzzzzzz… ah, SpamSieve is done filing 450 spams, I can read my 75 […]

QotD: Registrar

Question: Who is your preferred registrar? My Answer: Dotster. They're a bit pricy, but their service is nicely done, and I got in when they were offering a very good promotion (free transfers + renewal or something like that). I can easily transfer domains to other people, too, which has proven to be nice. You […]

QotD: Cards

Question: What's your favorite card game? My Answer: I like Poker, but the game I've had the most fun playing has got to be Hearts. My mom, grandma, and sister had some brutal games of Hearts as recently as five years ago. Just brutal! You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for […]

QotD: Computers

Question: How many computers do you currently own? How many no longer work but serve as nostalgic pieces? My Answer: Four and two. I still use an eMate 300 I've got, so it's in the first group. The latter contains two original Macs that may or may not work - I haven't tried to turn […]

QotD: Sidebar

Question: Now that you've had a chance to play with Panther's Finder sidebar, what do you think? My Answer: I use mine extensively. The sidebar contains my iDisk (I rarely use this), Network (again, rarely), and one of my two HDs. Beneath the bar I've got /Applications, ~/, ~/Documents/Downloads, ~/Desktop, an FSS folder, and ~/Sites. […]

FSS: Now Hiring

Freshly Squeezed Software is hiring, tentatively. Interested applicants should be well-versed in Cocoa as well as have a good understanding of networking. We accept a lot of on-the-job learning (every programmer learns on the job), but we don't want a newbie. For that matter, we're not offering a career either, so hard-core 24/7 type programmers […]

QotD: Flat Tax

Question: If you were going to institute a flat tax, what would the terms be? If you're so against the flat tax that you can't think of any terms, why? My Answer: The first $25,000 is free. No tax. After that, income is taxed at 40%. A paycheck of $1500 every two weeks ($3k/month, so […]

QotD: Bush

Question: On a scale of 1-10, how well has Bush done? 1 = shitty, 10 = awesome. My Answer: I'm the last guy you want to ask about politics, but as much of the "policy" put into place by the current administration affects me or the things in which I am interested in (not to […]

QotD: Cupertino

Question: How many times, if any, have you been to Cupertino? Do you want to go for the first time or again? My Answer: I've been to the iHolyLand about eight times. iPlan to return, perhaps for WWDC 2004*. Ooh, that reminds me - I've gotta renew my ADC membership in February… * Yes, I […]