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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Decorations

Question: Have you decorated for (insert your December holiday, if any, here)? My Answer: No. I live alone, and when my parents come to visit on the 27th, I'll tell them I took down all of the decorations on the 26th. After all, Christmas is over then, right? But my, it was fabulous! You are […]

QotD: Messy

Question: How messy or clean is your apartment or home? My Answer: Currently my apartment is VERY messy, which sucks. When I was strictly a freelance guy, my apartment was spotless. Now that I only have 8 waking hours a day or so of free time (not counting driving to/from work, showering, etc.) and most […]

QotD: Slap

Question: Have you ever slapped anyone? Been slapped? My Answer: No, and no. Not in the violent way. Sometimes in the playful way a woman will slap you when you say something silly or slighty sarcastic. I've never been one to walk up to a woman and say something that gets me slapped, and frankly, […]

QotD: Bathtub

Question: Have you ever over-filled your bathtub? My Answer: Nope. Well, until about 15 minutes ago. 45 minutes after I started running the water. That little drain near the rim can only keep up for so long, I tell ya! You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments […]

QotD: Survivor 7

Question: Who will win this season of Survivor? My Answer: I'm going to go with Darrah. I have no idea why. She's quietly slipping through and winning a lot of immunities. Lil has to go soon. Jon either will win or will not win (big time either way). Burton is a threat, and Sandra has […]

QotD: Bush’s Bio

Question: If you were to write George W. Bush's bio (see the previous entry on Clinton's), what would the first sentence say? My Answer: "After stealing the oval office in a controversial recount, "Dubya's" largest achievement in his single term in office was barely holding together the country, fractioned by those who saw him […]

QotD: Tootsie

Question: How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? My Answer: 42. That's the meaning of life, too. 🙂 Or, if you're like me, about 3 - then I bite through it. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the […]

QotD: Kiss

Question: QotD: How would you describe your first kiss? My Answer: Mind-wracking. I was thinking faster than ever, which I'm certain resulted in a less than stellar performance. After all, if 99% of your energy is focused on examining what you're doing, and how you're doing it, the "naturality" of a kiss is lost. You […]

QotD: Cold

Question: How cold is "cold"? My Answer: I'm from PA, land of the sideways-falling snow ("lake effect"). We know what a "wind chill" is, and as such, anything over 0°F is considered "chilly" at worst. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

Recent Tunes 2.0

Recent Tunes 2.0 is coming along. My previous blog post spurred Jason on a bit, I suppose. So, now my left-hand "Current iTune" is working and so is my list. Jason's not quite finished up the HTTP-GET implementation (c'mon man!), but that's what I'll be using as soon as that works. I'll have a database […]

QotD: Death

Question: What's the closest you've come to death? My Answer: I once spun out doing 45 on a highway, across the median (a big grass dip in the road) and across the three lanes of traffic on the other side. It was late at night, and it was raining a bit, so there were very […]

QotD: Spontaneity

Question: What's the most random or spontaneous thing you've ever done? My Answer: Once, while driving to work at the Erie Zoo, I decided that since my parents were away, I'd drive to Arizona instead. And so I did. Then I drove right back. But hey, I got to pee in about 12 states within […]

QotD: Firing

Question: Have you ever sought to have anyone fired? My Answer: Since this question is in the past tense, I can say no. But ask me again in a few months, heh. 😛 If I ever did, I know it would not be for any sort of personal reason (unless they were my employee), but […]

QotD: Smart Playlists

Question: How many of your playlists are smart playlists? My Answer: I use entirely smart playlists. Only when I'm making a CD will I make a "stupid" playlist. I've got smart playlists for each decade. I've got a smart playlist called "All Songs" (I can do things there that I don't want to do in […]

QotD: Gamblin’

Question: Are you a gambling man (or woman)? My Answer: Yeah, I can be. I tend to bet small sums of money on silly things like "I bet he's five minutes late" or a small-stakes poker game. I hope to get a regular poker game going soon when a work buddy moves in to my […]