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Humanity of Zoos

An unattributed quote I saw written on the back of a flyer I found today:

"A zoo's humanity cannot be measured by the square footage to which a once-wild animal is confined, but how the animals affect those who visit and their attempts to save the natural habitats of other animals."

Makes sense to me.

Moving Toolbar Items

In using an NSToolbar, we have a few items that move when the option key is held down because the name of the item changes. For example, one toolbar item changes from "Do It" to "Do It All" ((Not really - I'm being vague on purpose.)) when the option key is held down.

Currently, we're using a bit of a hack to keep the icons from moving too much - we're padding the shorter "Do It" version with spaces. This works sometimes. Other times, the spacing (because toolbars don't use a monospaced font) isn't quite right, so the icons move around just a little.

How can this be resolved? The text (unlike perhaps the example text above) goes beyond the 32 x 32 pixel size of the icon itself. Should we create an entirely new NSView for the icon or can we simply change a setting on the NSToolbarItem itself?

banner Command

I never knew about the 'banner' command. Now I do. Nifty. Not at all useful, really, but nifty. 🙂

2007 Eye Prescription

My eye prescription from before:

       Spherical      Cylindrical        Axis
O.D.     -1.50           -1.75            48
O.S.     -1.00           -2.25           150
P.D. Right: 33.5
P.D. Left:  32.0

For my own knowledge, of course.

African Violet

African Violet

Mother’s Day 2007

Happy Mother's Day to all the fantastic mothers out there. You may have the most important job in the world, and you do it so well.

Pregnant College Athletes and Athletic Scholarships

Today on ESPN's Outside the Lines, Bob Ley headed the discussion surrounding (on Mother's Day, of course) of pregnant female college athletes on athletic scholarship. The question: should they forfeit their scholarship?

Several issues surfaced in support of allowing the student athletes to retain their scholarship, not the least of which was Title 9, which guarantees that female athletes be granted the same opportunities as male athletes. Some argued that Title 9 supported the claim that pregnant female athletes should not have their scholarships revoked. That's a silly argument, as males can't get pregnant, and Title 9 sought to force schools to award equal athletic scholarships (both in number and value) to males and females. It says nothing of the choices an athlete makes or the literal physical differences between men and women. Its application here is, thus, silly.


Carey likes to say that our two hobbies mesh nicely together. I photograph, she scrapbooks. I kid her about the expense of scrapbooking, and how much time she spends doing it, but that's all I'm doing: kidding.

Bike Racks

I'd like to get a bike rack for either the Touareg (preferred) or the Aztek (not as preferred, since we'll be getting rid of it first). We only need to hold two bikes - mine and Carey's. We're also not looking to take any big trips with the rack. We'll probably just go to Presque Isle and such.

Neither car has a hitch, and both have roof racks. Carey and I would like something of decent quality, but we're not looking to spend a fortune, either.

Any biker riders out there with recommendations?

Power Out Again

Power was out again today… for five hours. It's incredibly difficult to, you know, get work done from home when you have no power.

Screw you, Penelec. 😛

Whispering Woods Opens May 25

Whispering Woods LogoI have a few Whispering Woods notes for the people I know have been reading my site for updates. 🙂 Because I've been asked several times, yes, I've joined. I've still got my Lake View membership, too, but am looking forward to trying out Whispering Woods. The one advantage it has over Lake View is that it's very, very close to where I live. If I want to practice my short game or play three holes and come home, I can do that now (well, soon).

First news, the course now has a website, though not a functional one at this time. It's at At least you can see a picture of one of the holes - not much else yet.


When I was a kid, my mother forbid us from saying the word "fart." We had to say we "poofed" or we "stinkered." We also couldn't say anything "sucked," so we said it "zucked" after we saw the name of a road near the mall: Zuck Road.

Beginning a WordPress Site

Today I began working, in earnest, on a project that will be done by the end of the month. It's going to be an entire site built in WordPress. I learned a lot doing the EDGA site that will apply to this.

I'm sure I'll post more later when the project is completed.

Trip to the Cleveland Zoo

Today I visited the Cleveland Zoo. It was very easy to find and it only took 1:40 to get there.

Some photos from the trip appear below. I took everything I own (basically), but only used the 70-200/2.8 IS all day. I should have probably put the circular polarizer on - it would have helped a few of the indoor shots with reflections from the glass - but oh well. Crops applied with little to zero other post-processing.

Eagle Sticks near Zanesville, OH

Yesterday I played a course called Eagle Sticks. I came away very impressed. If you live near Zanesville, OH, the course is definitely one to check out.

The fact that I "seemingly" hit 320-yard drives all day didn't hurt matters, either. 😉