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Archive for August, 2003

Today I "hacked" my kayak to add a handle to the rear mini-hatch. The hatch was a bitch to get out, often requiring about a zillion screws before it'd finally come out. The problem seems to be that the threading is either not deep enough or is simply too tight, because as one side would […]

QotD: Pirating

Question: How much software have you pirated? My Answer: When I was 18, before I started my e-zine Apple Wizards, I pirated as much as anyone. Oddly, though, it was mostly for "prestige" of sorts - I rarely if ever used any of the software to which I had registration codes. Since then, I've "pirated" […]

I've been a freelance software/web developer since graduating from college. That's a job you do at home, and it has its good and bad sides. One of the bad sides is that the only creature with which you can flirt is your pet (if you have one) and any girls who might be "online" at […]

QotD: Cuisine

Question: If you could master one type of cuisine, what would it be? My Answer: Is "French Desserts" a cuisine? You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Classic

Question: What's Up? My Answer: The sky. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Sports

Question: If you could coach any current sports team professionally, which would you choose? My Answer: The Pittsburgh Steelers. Then the Penguins. Then the Pirates. Get the picture? You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Habits

Question: If you could eliminate one habit your significant other has, what would it be? My Answer: Being entirely critical without accepting any responsibility for improving the relationship herself. How's that for bitter? 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Film

Question: Have you ever filmed yourself having sex? My Answer: Nope. Heck, I've never filmed myself doing anything except swinging a golf club. I've used my iSight to "film" myself sitting in a chair having a video chat if you want to be entirely too broad. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the […]


It's amazing, but some UIs keep getting better and better (and faster and faster) and some keep getting worse and worse. Look at some of those screenshots! What the hell is going on? It's tough to tell what you can click on, what does what, anything. It's horrible! I'm not exactly objective, but can someone […]

QotD: Elimination

Question: If you could eliminate one thing from sex, what would it be? My Answer: Disease. When you begin dating someone, it's an awkward moment when you have to pause and say "you haven't got any diseases, do you?" People lie (otherwise honest people), and some people may not know they've got a disease until […]

MCI = Fucktards (Cont.)

On May 13 the whole thing started. It continued on through June 26. Hopefully, as promised today, within 14 days I will receive a refund check for $158.89 from MCI. I estimate that I spent ten hours on the phone since May 13 fighting this issue. I've mailed three letters, sent five faxes, and spoken […]

Old West Wing

As I watch the old episodes of West Wing as they play on Bravo, two thoughts strike me. One is that the show is dramatically much improved in recent years. Older episodes focused more on the personal lives of the staff members and not the interpersonal relationships of the staff members. Older episodes, partly due […]

QotD: Injury

Question: Have you ever injured yourself during sex? My Answer: No. I did, however, once get a bloody nose when a knee unexpectedly smacked into my face. Not pleasant, and were it not for Celine Dion on the ol' CD player*, a quick way to spoil the evening. * No, I'm not joking. Unfortunately. You […]

PGL: “A Good Movie”

It seems that, in the end, the Project Greenlight crew may have cranked out a good movie after all. Unfortunately, the darn thing probably won't play in my market, so I'll have to buy the DVD. Project Greenlight - regardless of how unrealistic it may be (they edit the show not to show how things […]


I'm considering getting a GPS receiver so that I can do things like track my speed (when kayaking or even travelling on my scooter), determine what course to take to get back to my launch point, and so on. However, very few work with the Mac, so I'm considering MacGPS Pro. It will work with […]