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Archive for June, 2007

Played at Oak Tree

Today Steve and I took the day off from hiking around the golf course to play one of my favorite courses in the general area: Oak Tree Country Club near Sharon, PA. The course was reviewed rather positively on The Sand Trap and it's always a joy to play. Despite not playing particularly great, I […]

U.S. Open Predictions

They're here. I'm going with Tiger… big surprise.

Tuesday at the U.S. Open

Observations from Tuesday are here. Played at Cranberry Highlands this evening. Pace of play was absolutely dreadful. Over five hours for twosomes. Played a scramble on the back nine and, largely on my ball, was -1 until we quit in the middle of 18 because we were sick of waiting and it was getting dark.

Monday at the U.S. Open

Observations can be found here. Unfortunately, I played a golf course called "Alcoma" before going to the U.S. Open. Ugh is all I can say about that.

Leopard’s New Look


I've come to realize that the most screwed up thing about stupidity is that you simply cannot defeat it.

WWDC 2K7 Predictions

What are your WWDC predictions? I haven't got many, but I do suspect we'll see some of those "secret" features in 10.5 - including a new look. I think the iPhone will be underplayed at WWDC because I think Apple will (wisely) hold off on releasing an SDK until they're sure they have the APIs […]

Laryngitis Update

The prednisone seems to have done the trick. I'm coughing less too, so perhaps I've had a month-long case of laryngitis that only recently fully manifested itself or the coughing just seems to have gone away. I cough a lot more when I talk, less when I'm just sitting here. Carey's been dealing with adult […]

Winter Hockey

So, it appears I'll be playing hockey this winter. I've asked to be put in the "beginner's" league because, thus far, my hockey experience is limited to roller hockey in college (we were, as a team, really quite good). I can ice skate, but the last time I did so was about ten years ago. […]

Speaking of Whispering Woods, I played Wednesday and shot 76 there, easily the best round of the year. It was only the third time I'd played the back nine, and I'm starting to figure out some of the shots and yardages. I played earlier in the morning with two friends for a course review, but […]

Whispering Woods has dropped their rates. That didn't take very long. 2007 memberships now run $1,000 or $1,800 for a couple. Two-year memberships (2007 and 2008) run $1,800 and $3,400 - the previous 2007 rates (all current members have been extended the extra year). Fees are now:

2007 Memorial Pictures

I took about 2000 pictures (and Ron took another 1000 or so) at this year's Memorial just outside Columbus, OH. This year I focused primarily on taking pictures of the players. Last year I did a good bit of the course itself. The results can be seen in four posts at The Sand Trap: The […]

I've tried to condition myself over the past few days to only talk when necessary. I've noticed, oddly, that if I'm not careful that attitude seems to pervade my instant messaging as well. I've caught myself a few times trying to be very short or use abbreviations when I normally wouldn't, as if typing less […]

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