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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Sexy Word

Question: If you had to select the sexiest word in the English language, what would you choose? My Answer: "sensuous" is nice, what with all that hissing going on. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Trick or Treat

Question: Trick or treat? My Answer: Treat. Definitely. Oh Carey… 😉 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Halloween

Question: At what age did you stop trick-or-treating? My Answer: My last time trick-or-treating for myself was age 12. After that, I took over handing out the candy to those who came by the house, giving my mom a break. I remember, at 15 and 16, being embarrassed when someone my age would come to […]

QotD: Stacks and Queues

Question: From Jeremy comes this: is your email a stack or a queue? In other words, do you have new messages at the top or the bottom? My Answer: My newest messages are at the top. If something requires a reply, I hit reply and save as a draft (or write the reply and send […]

QotD: Childhood Toy

Question: What one childhood toy did you want most but never receive? My Answer: Carey, seemingly, wanted a sock monkey and nested dolls. I got her the first yesterday for her birthday, so she's semi-satisfied. 🙂 Personally, I always wanted one of those little cars. I now know I wouldn't have been satisfied, though. The […]

QotD: iPod Photo

Question: Why the fuck would you use iTunes to synchronize photos to an iPod? And do you want one of the new iPod Photos? My Answer: My answers: "Hell if I know" and "I'd rather buy a year-old iBook for six-hundred-freaking-dollars." You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the […]

QotD: Weather

Question: Where do you get your weather information (besides "look outside, note weather")? My Answer:, though I find it horrendously slow at times and I'm hoping that someone mentions an alternative. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Milk

Question: What kind of milk do you drink? My Answer: 1%. Occasionally I drink chocolate milk. Any comments referring to breast milk will be deleted, you sickos! 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Farting

Question: How long should you wait before farting in front of a new boyfriend or girlfriend. My Answer: Forever. Carey seems to think that it's two weeks, however. 😀 (Edit forced by the one previously named: "We've been talking for six months, you butt!") You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for […]

QotD: Halloween Costumes

Question: If you had to create a unique halloween costume, what would you design? My Answer: I'd design a woman's halloween costume with a policeman's cap, a stethoscope, a blue blazer, a pleated skirt, fishnet stockings, and sneakers. The title of the costume would be "Every Man's Fantasy" - a woman cop, a nurse, a […]

QotD: Execution

Question: If you were to be executed tomorrow, by what method would you opt to go? My Answer: Well, electrocution and hanging are out. So is burning at the stake. Lethal injections and firing squads are pretty quick and painless, but hey, how about I just have Carey screw me to death? I'm not sure […]

QotD: View

Question: If you could have any view from your home, what would it be? My Answer: I'd overlook the ocean from the front of my house, and a good golf course from the rear. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Comment Spam

Question: I've recently set the URL limit for comments here, via MT-Blacklist, to three. You can post three URLs but no more than that in a comment or it is moderated. If you are using MT-B, or if you could set a limit, what would you choose? My Answer: I've chosen three. Prior to that, […]

QotD: Mini Stores

Question: What do you think of Apple's new mini stores? My Answer: I think they'll be a great way to get into smaller malls and whatnot without the expense of the standard 30' store. And, given my past with Apple and retail, I'll leave it at that and simply read your thoughts. I do think […]

QotD: Publication

Question: If you could be the editor of any single publication, what publication would you pick and why? My Answer: Playboy, for more than obvious reasons. I'd insist on having more Playmates with natural breasts and brown hair. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on […]