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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Vacation

Question: Where did you go on your last non-working vacation, and how long ago was it? My Answer: Right now to visit Carey in Pennsylvania (there Josh!). Prior to that, I think my last vacation was the summer before my senior year in college when my family went to Hawaii. It has pretty much been […]

QotD: DH

Question: What do you think of the DH rule? My Answer: Fuck it. It's an abomination. AL Pitchers should learn to at least bunt for crissakes. The fundamental nature of the game is changed when you have someone who merely hits and someone who merely pitches. The DH has extended the careers of people who […]

QotD: Deceit

Question: What is the most deceitful thing you've ever done? My Answer: I've lied to friends about surprise parties and things like that, but I can't say I've ever really done something deceitful. The upside to being an honest person to the core (even when I should keep my mouth shut) is that I tend […]

QotD: House Fire

Question: If your house was on fire and you could grab only five things, what would they be? My Answer: First would be my dog Flint, of course. Second would be my computer (yeah, I've got backups, but that'd be a pain in the ass). Next up we've got three fairly random things: my ammunition […]

QotD: Steak

Question: What is your favorite kind of steak? My Answer: At the Outback, I always always always get the Melbourne, a 20 oz. porterhouse. At nearly every other steakhouse, I'll get the prime rib. I like juicy, rare-cooked steak. I'd like the filets more if they weren't so damn small. You are encouraged to answer […]

QotD: President

Question: Who was the greatest President of the United States? My Answer: I've been alive for Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bush Number 1, Clinton, and Bush Number 2. Of those, Ronald Reagan was clearly the greatest president. Going back, well, I have only what the history books tell me, but from what I remember of […]

QotD: Bartlet

Question: Would you rather vote for Jed Bartlet (let's pretend it's the re-election year, after the MS thing, and not the first go-round) or John Kerry for the Democratic nominee? My Answer: Bartlet. Easily. I may not agree with all or even most of his stances on things (in, yes, a fictional TV show), but […]

QotD: Breakfast

Question: What did you have for breakfast? My Answer: One of my favorite breakfast foods, and a great way to start the day. You start by boiling apple juice in a pan or pot. Boil about 1/3 the volume of the amount you'd like to make, or boil 1/2 down to about 1/3. When it […]

QotD: Worst Movie

Question: What's the worst movie you've ever actually watched because a significant other wanted you to see it? My Answer: All I have to say is "Could The English Patient be any more boring than it is?" You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your […]

QotD: Browser

Question: What is your preferred browser's favorite feature? My Answer: It's easily the auto-fill capabilities, powered by Keychain. Very, very useful - saves me ten minutes or so each and every day. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: All-Star Game

Question: Should the winning league of the All-Star game get home field advantage for the World Series? My Answer: I say yeah, give those boys a little more to play for. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Terrorist Elections

Question: If polls showed Bush and Kerry dead even, and terrorists threatened to disrupt the elections, who do you think would win? My Answer: I think that Republicans tend to have a bit more of a "stick it to them" attitude and would thus not be as easily scared away from the polling stations. Of […]

QotD: Bookmarks

Question: How many bookmarks do you have? My Answer: I've got about twenty in my bookmarks bar in Safari (naming them "1" and "3" and "R4" and "Int" and so on saves a lot of space). I almost never look at my actual bookmarks… so I effectively have only twenty. You are encouraged to answer […]

QotD: 100,000,000 Again

Question: How far off were you? My Answer: Apple sold its 100,000,000th iTune to Kevin Britten of Hays, Kansas at approximately 1:30am EST on July 12th, making Paul Mayne the winner (I believe). I was personally off by about four days. At 10:15 when Carey called me tonight, the counter read 99,854,889. Aaron Linville finished […]

QotD: Edwards

Question: What did Edwards add to the Democratic ticket? My Answer: Nothing but another scheisty trial lawyer who looks a little younger than 51. If we care about how a potential vice president looks as much as the news has lately led me to believe we do, I'm seriously tempted to move to Canada. Edwards […]