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Archive for the 'Recurring' Category

QotD: Pets

Question: If you could make any animal a pet, what would you keep? My Answer: I'd like to have a pet kangaroo. I wonder if they can swim… (Answer: yes!). You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Pet Name

Question: What's the most unusual "pet name" you've ever had for a significant other (or one has had for you)? My Answer: "Sugarbear Honeybunch." I don't know why. I think it was supposed to be "sugarbear honeybuns" but at some point I probably said it incorrectly, and it stuck. Oh well. You are encouraged to […]

QotD: Google

Question: How many times per day do you visit Google? My Answer: About six, nearly none of which involves looking for entries on my own blog. 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Friends

Question: Did you ever really watch Friends? My Answer: Yep. When I was in high school, I thought Jennifer Aniston was quite attractive. Then I went to school and simply grew out of it. Nowadays I haven't even got a clue who's pregnant, who's had a kid, who's married (or divorced), or what. I just […]

QotD: Britney

Question: On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate Britney Spears' talent? My Answer: Six, maybe seven. She's got more talent than most people, giving her a minimum of a five or so, but not nearly as much as true "artists." A lot of her "talent" is in looking good (and in fact this […]

QotD: Quitting

Question: Have you ever quit a job by simply not showing up the next work day? My Answer: Yes, I have. Then, two days later, I called and asked them if they were handling my two-week vacation properly in payroll. 🙂 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the […]

QotD: Alert

Question: For the Mac users out there, what is your alert sound? My Answer: Mine is currently "Tink" and has been for over a year. Perhaps I'll change it today, but "Tink" has always been a favorite. It's short and therefore not very annoying. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for […]

QotD: Romance

Question: If you could have a romance with any fictional character, who would it be? My Answer: I'm going to rule out movies (those not based on books, anyway), because that makes it too easy - I might just pick someone (like Kate Beckinsale's character from Serendipity) because of the actor, not the character. So, […]

QotD: Racist

Question: Have you ever been called a racist? For what? My Answer: Yes. Most recently, I was called a racist for mentioning the color of some people fishing at a lake. You'll have to read the comments to see what a moron the person alleging the accusation may be. You are encouraged to answer the […]

QotD: Pleasurable Sex

Question: If sex were not a pleasurable activity, by what percent do you think the world's population would be smaller? My Answer: 50%. If sex weren't pleasurable, I think that a great many people wouldn't have sex except to have a family or to get more welfare money. "Accident" babies would be gone, teen pregnancy […]

QotD: Super Bowl 2003

Question: Who will win the Super Bowl in 2004? My Answer: Why, the Pittsburgh Steelers, of course! You heard it here first! You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Pete Rose

Question: Should Pete Rose be in the Hall of Fame? Should Shoeless Joe Jackson? My Answer: Yes. Yes. If you need an explanation, then I doubt that any explanation will make any sense to you. 😛 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

QotD: Porn

Question: How much porn do you own? My Answer: Owning and watching are two different things. In college, porn was almost like currency - having it meant you could trade it for a CD you wanted to borrow - all sorts of things. As such, I've got about 3 DVDs worth of porn. Where those […]

QotD: Gay

Question: What percentage of your acquaintances are gay or bisexual? My Answer: I think that about 5% may be gay, and I'm positive that about 7% are gay. So, I'll say about 10% of the people I know are gay. Of my "friends," a word I reserve for about ten people in my life, one […]

QotD: Software

Question: How many pieces of software do you buy per month, on average? My Answer: I buy about three pieces of software per month, be they some $5 shareware or some $999 video editing software (at upgrade price, of course!). You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments […]