Localization: something that's both incredibly easy and incredibly frustrating. Incredibly easy: wrap all UI-bound strings in NSLocalizedString(), provide a .strings file, and localize your NIBs Incredibly frustrating: coordinating all of the incredibly easy steps above I've yet to find a good software package to help with the localization project. Sure, there's Polyglot and PowerGlot. We've […]
What is Freshly Squeezed Software's new favorite application? It's one called "Spin Control!" Spin Control is an application that helps you identify why an application might display the spinning rainbow wait cursor. It automatically samples any application which appears unresponsive to the Window Server. Spin Control comes with Xcode 1.2 and will be put to […]
Joshua has accused me of stealing and lying at his blog. The facts of the matter are simple. Joshua emailed me and asked if I had stolen or otherwise used his tab code. I checked my browser history for his site and didn't find it. I replied, basically, "nope - I never visited your site." […]
Now the external blog editor spec is public. If you write an external blog editor, please let us know so that we may include your application in PulpFiction 1.0.1's list of external editors. We will support this with a list of editors (with a "Choose…") button, as in Safari and Mail.
A few people have written in and told us that PulpFiction sometimes quits on them without leaving the little crash log window with the "Submit to Apple" button (it'd be nice if developers could rewire that to send the crash log to them). In other words, the app goes poof, disappears from the screen, and […]
Alexei enters the argument between C++ and Objective-C. Alexei puts himself firmly in the C++ camp, of all reasons, because of templates. As pal and FSS partner Andy said to me just now, templates are a work-around for a problem that doesn't exist in Objective-C." Templates rarely work well: a function that can take a […]
Primarily for myself, here are some rules our recent beta test taught me, in no particular order (but numbered for my own sanity): Don't do open betas. People just like to use free software, and most of the reported bugs are worthless. "It crashed when I clicked on the toolbar." Carefully select beta testers, and […]
We've kicked around ideas and even begun some initial coding for FTPeel 2.0. I won't say what they are because I'm curious what features you'd like to see. There are, of course, no guarantees that listing something here means it'll be included in FTPeel 2.0, but it will be considered.
Hype is a funny thing. I've been reading the blog(s) of the authors of Freshly Squeezed and from the amount of hype they've been generating you'd think this software was the second coming. We did? I posted some screenshots. I posted a little PulpFiction Lite tease (a product that is the direct result of the […]
Today, I'm happy to announce that PulpFiction 1.0 is now available. The surprise? So is PulpFiction Lite, the freeweare sibling! PulpFiction is available now for introductory pricing of $19. This special pricing lasts through May 21st, at which time the price will move to the standard price of $25. PulpFiction is available as a 15-day […]
Here are the default feeds, folks. Of course, these will change in the next version, but I thought I'd let ya know. We'll be releasing PulpFiction in a few hours… We stuck with 15 feeds because that's around 225 articles. That's enough to encourage people to set up some filters without inundating them with too […]
What's this you ask? Why, it's a surprise!! 😀 (and no, the filename won't give you any hints: pfs stands for PulpFiction Surprise, of all things). P.S. The surprise is that PulpFiction is not shipping until June 15. Just kidding. 😉
If you were to provide the list of default subscriptions in PulpFiction, what feeds (the URLs for them) would be in your list? Provide the URLs - including those to your own blog if you've got one - and there's a good chance they might show up in the default subscriptions list.
Chris has posted a review of an advance copy of PulpFiction - understandably based on his own expectations, opinions, etc. - and I'm hoping that it's not in poor form to respond. After all, the dang thing ain't even out yet. I'll attempt to be brief. …the overall responsiveness is, well… not very. This has […]
There's been much discussion lately over the demo limitations we've chosen to place in PulpFiction. Currently, the demo limitation is 10 subscriptions. Full functionality - aside from this limit - is allowed. Filters, labels, AppleScripts, etc. In the interest of what I called yesterday "an open discussion" (among other things), I'm opening up the thought […]