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Archive for April, 2003

QotD: New Home Appliance

Question: If you could invent one home appliance that does not exist, what would it be and why? My Answer: I would invent whatever the opposite of a microwave would be - something that cools things very quickly. This would be useful for immediately refreezing ice cream, chilling warm Coke, and achieving "cold pizza for […]

OneWord: Specific

I have nothing specific to write, though I would like to say that the last OneWord was on April 10, and this is kind of annoying. I've built this thing around doing a OneWord once per day, and yet these people can't publish a word for three days. What's the deal with that? How hard […]

Today Jamie and I went to Starbucks for breakfast (if you can call any meal at 10am breakfast). Not personally a fan of coffee, though that is changing, Jamie assured me that they have good baked… uhhh… goods. We approached the counter and Jamie said "I want a medium coffee." I became immediately excited, fearing […]

Friend Zone

I was talking with my friend Mike towards the end of March about one of his prior relationships. He'd moved in with a girl who was one of his best friends, and they began sleeping together. They'd always connected on an emotional level, talking and sharing everything with each other, and I consider having sex […]

Meeting the Parents

Today I "meet the parents" of a girl I adore. Beyond that, the rest of this post is a speculative sort of "thought experiment" in stream of consciousness. Imagine that I like a girl named Amy (chosen primarily because it's short, and I don't know anyone named Amy right now). Amy's a bit younger than […]

OO Ohhhhh!!!

Object-Oriented Programming. OOP. Flip it around and you've got poo, which Justin Williams seems to think OOP is at this point. In his words, he doesn't get it. I've met people who "get" things quickly and I've met people who struggle with things at first. Neither kind of person is stupid. Oftentimes, the second person […]

IM Spam

Steve Mallett of O'Reilly is wondering when his AIM nickname is going to get spammed. I don't use ICQ because of the number of rogue messages I got, but here are my assurances to Steve: I've never gotten a "spam" on AIM. My AIM nickname is available to anyone who'd like to message it, but […]

Ed Chooses Carol

Ed chose Carol. Frankie, sorry, this makes two sitcoms on which you've been dumped. Jeremy had enough of your craziness on Sports Night and Ed had to go with his heart on, uhhhh, Ed. Will I be kicked out of the Strong Male Union™ for admitting that tonight's episode put me in a pretty mushy […]

Barenaked Blogging

The Barenaked Ladies have a blog (LINK) but they lack an RSS feed. This makes me sad. But then again, this makes me happy (JPEG). Guys, pop on an RSS feed fast or I - and I suspect many others - will forget that your blog exists. I visit sites with RSS feeds more often […]

Steven of Panic is pointing out that there are now three different kinds of metal window widgets. Hell, I'm still irked that my Sunken Metal Widgets Bug remains in place in 10.2.5. OS updates are supposed to fix bugs, not introduce new ones. Apple surely knows about these things, and it's silly that they're not […]

Dvorak and Scoble

Microsoft ho Robert Scoble talks about John Dvorak's recent bullshit regarding Apple's "plans" to move to Intel chips. Robert says: John seems to think that if everyone talks about his outrageous ideas and links to him, that that makes him successful. OK, I cry uncle cause I'm talking about him, and linking to him. Scoble, […]


The comments at /. are fairly positive so far. Wow. I have goosebumps. Wow. Will it happen? I don't know. But even if it doesn't happen, what's this news story already accomplished? It's reminded people of Apple's anti-DRM stance. It's reminded them of their digital hub strategy. It's reminded them of their iPod. It's reminded […]

Survivor 6.9

Last week, it was the obvious choice Dave who got the boot. He won the reward and took Deena. This week it supposedly seems obvious: Matt. But last week they mentioned a "power struggle" and the past few years that has meant one thing: Deena will be going tonight. And now, live (on tape delay), […]

On Reality TV

Gabe says of reality TV: Survivor. The Real World. American Idol. The Bachelor. What do all these shows have in common? They all suck. This from the premise that "they're not reality." Frankly, Gabe, I'm not buying it. Just because "reality tv isn't reality" doesn't mean it "sucks." Reality TV, were it actual reality, would […]

Proving that some people are bigger geeks than others, KahunaBurger has figured out how to read his email on his TV via his TiVo. I'm still in the "can't use the home media options because I, like Vinay, have an SAT-T60.