Posted in Recurring on May 12th, 2003 4 Comments »
Question: What is the best breakup you've ever had? My Answer: I've "broken up" with all of one person. It took me a month to figure out how to do it (I'd dated her for five years), but in the end it basically came down to "I can't make you happy anymore, I haven't been […]
Posted in Human Condition on May 12th, 2003 3 Comments »
What began as a battle of the sexes ended as a battle of the sexes: Matt vs. Jenna. Sanity vs. Insanity. Brawn vs. Beauty. 6 to 1? Nobody in our group predicted Jenna to win let alone to walk away with it so easily. What follows is a random smattering of parting shots before I […]
Posted in Recurring on May 11th, 2003 5 Comments »
Question: Will Jenna pose for Playboy? Will Heidi? My Answer: There's a good chance that one or both will. She won't need the money, I guess. Grrrr. I'm irked. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.
Posted in Human Condition on May 11th, 2003 3 Comments »
My prediction: Rob or Matt will win. I've been saying "Rob" for a long time now - he's played the game "the best" so far. However, last week Matthew made the first comment about "being in control" that I think he's ever made. This made me wonder if he wasn't smarter than he's let on […]
Posted in Blogging on May 11th, 2003 No Comments »
The CSS on my site now validates 100%. It did before but it was always throwing warnings: You have no background-color with your color Reason? From the CSS Validator FAQ: If you don't specify color and background-color at the same level of specifity, your style sheet might clash with user style sheets. To avoid this, […]
Posted in Personal on May 11th, 2003 23 Comments »
While reading an article on Kevin Fox's site, I noticed a link on the left and took the Gay-O-Meter Test. Turns out I'm 26% gay (or 74% straight, I guess), putting me squarely in the middle of the red "too straight" area. Loosen up my straight mate. These days women like a man with […]
Posted in Apple on May 11th, 2003 10 Comments »
Says David Hyatt: Erik Barzeski has done a redesign of his blog. I'm pointing it out because I think the fadeout effect at the top of the page is so cool. I'm assuming it's a fixed positioned block with a transparent PNG background? He is correct. I left a comment there - the first one […]
Posted in Recurring on May 11th, 2003 No Comments »
A collage is a group of pictures or things, but I am always reminded of "college" when I see the word. I'm not sure why. A collage is something you can't really do online - nobody can really create a photo collage with pictures. You can't rotate thigns in HTML and then have the text […]
Posted in Apple on May 11th, 2003 15 Comments »
My recent Perly Gates entry made mention of a tcsh alias that I use: lsf. I thought I'd share - with commentary - some of my other favorite tcsh shortcuts (aliases). If you're using Mac OS X, pop these into ~/.tcshrc if you'd like.
Posted in Computing on May 10th, 2003 3 Comments »
My first ever entry was called I Hate Perl. I don't really hate Perl, but man, sometimes I'm just not a big fan. The CLI is fun and fine and all, but today I installed Perl 5.8.0 to try to get Time::HiRes (it worked of course, MTTimer needed it). Of course, then I got to […]
Posted in Recurring on May 10th, 2003 2 Comments »
Question: What's the best Mother's Day present you've ever given (or received)? My Answer: I gave my mom a digital camera last year, and she's made decent use of it. Her birthday is also around Mother's Day, so I guess I only gave her half a digital camera last year. 😀 You are encouraged to […]
Posted in Computing on May 10th, 2003 2 Comments »
Unreal Tournament, when introduced a number of years ago, was one of my favorite games of the time. It still is, even though I've played a lot of Quake 3 lately. Fortunately for Mac users, Unreal Tournament was just released in demo/beta form. Only fourteen years (okay, I exaggerate) after the Windows and Linux versions! […]
Posted in Blogging on May 10th, 2003 3 Comments »
I was curious earlier today (as I rebuilt my site for the umpteenth time today) about where MovableType was spending its time. Were my RSS feeds taking five seconds? How about the archives? The main index? How long is MT spending doing each of these? Unfortunately, there's no way to know. What I'd like from […]
Posted in Miscellaneous on May 10th, 2003 No Comments »
I'd like to say goodbye to AppleScript Central today. The site is being moved to and will be under their control soon. I've worked with ASC for over three years. I've met many great people through the site, and have enjoyed working with it. While I'm sad to see it go, I'm excited that […]
Posted in Silly on May 10th, 2003 No Comments »
For years my neighbor and friend Gabe's metal shelving has said this in techno-centric "poetry" magnets: Microsoft profits from users that have unparalleled boundaries and integrated legacy architecture. Dilbert would be proud.