Posted in Apple on November 23rd, 2003 9 Comments »
Question: Are you really sure you care about Halo My Answer: Hell no! Look at those screenshots. Unreal Tournament 2004, baby! Bring it on! Vehicles, multiple fire weapons (as always), expanded maps, woo! Gorgeous. Freaking gorgeous! You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.
Posted in Miscellaneous on November 22nd, 2003 4 Comments »
Movies I want to see: Elf Love Actually Master and Commander Mystic River Runaway Jury Shattered Glass The Human Stain Cold Mountain For various reasons. And, since I haven't been to a movie since Matrix3, and the last one before that I can't even recall, perhaps making a list will help get me out to […]
Posted in Recurring on November 22nd, 2003 2 Comments »
Question: What song would you perform if you were on American Idol? My Answer: I can't sing very well, so I really wouldn't be on American Idol. That having been said, were I forced (by, y'know, hot chicks or a large sum of money) to perform, I'd have to go with a Bob Dylan tune. […]
Posted in Recurring on November 22nd, 2003 No Comments »
Today I bought an iSkin Exo2. I got it for something like 50% off due to the fact that I ordered a tangerine iSkin Exo in July and I still don't have it. This is fine - this is good customer service, and I'm appreciative (I'm not too appreciative of the minimum choice in shipping: […]
Posted in Recurring on November 21st, 2003 10 Comments »
Question: Do you care? My Answer: Not really. 😛 🙁 You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.
Posted in Silly on November 21st, 2003 4 Comments »
Justin posted something about 99 Bottles of Beer written in several languages (for example, Objective C), and it reminded me of a "trick" I played on a former roommate of mine in school. You see, years ago there was a little application (I looked and couldn't find it, but for all I recall it could […]
Posted in Recurring on November 20th, 2003 3 Comments »
Question: If you were going to charge for your professional services, what would be your hourly rate? My Answer: Anywhere from $40 to $100/hour. Depending on the length of the contract and the difficulty (simple HTML/site design versus complex Cocoa development) of the project. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for […]
Posted in Computing on November 20th, 2003 3 Comments »
They may as well have called this the CSS Common Sense Sheet. Judi may like it, but I find it a bit… well… a bit "duh." Actually, Judi just seems nicer about it, by saying "we've all been there," and I'm blogging it so that when a friend asks me a basic CSS question, I […]
Posted in Recurring on November 19th, 2003 12 Comments »
Question: What celebrity do you most want to see naked? My Answer: Well, the two people at the top of my list are Kate Beckinsale and Shania Twain (with Sandra Bullock a close third), so I'd most like to see them naked. However, if they were in Playboy or any other "nudie" magazine, I'd lose […]
Posted in Technology on November 19th, 2003 2 Comments »
Having played Tiger Woods on the PS2 and GameCube, and on the N64 before that (I think?), I've become a pretty big fan of the series. It remains a bit more "arcadey" than I like, what with being able to change the spin of the ball in the air and all, but is the most […]
Posted in Miscellaneous on November 19th, 2003 10 Comments »
Yesterday, it turns out, was "DVD Day" for me. After a great Monday night playing games with Rob, José, and Gabe, I set out to pick up Mario Kart: Double Dash and Tiger Woods 2004. My first stop: Circuit City to see if they had any new CDs. After picking up Pink's Try This (one-word […]
Posted in Recurring on November 18th, 2003 14 Comments »
Question: Do you like and use theming? My Answer: No and no. I find that most third-party themes suck, and that the ones that I like are close enough to my regular appearance that it's not worth the instability, memory overhead, or speed hit often found in themers. As a software developer, I won't install […]
Posted in Recurring on November 17th, 2003 12 Comments »
Question: What's on the right side of your menu? My Answer: From right to left: my name (Fast User Switching), the time, TypeIt4Me's icon (the text input menu), iSync, speaker volume, AirPort strength, Bluetooth, Scripts, Synergy. You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.
Posted in Computing on November 17th, 2003 2 Comments »
I'm going to try FocusFollows in my Terminal having read Duncan's post. I'm not sure I'll dig it, but I'm giving it a try. defaults write FocusFollowsMouse -string YES Of course, to turn it off, use NO instead of YES. We'll see.
Posted in Recurring on November 16th, 2003 6 Comments »
Question: Do you play games? If so, what kind? My Answer: I mostly play head games. 🙂 Occasionally I'll play one on my Mac (been playing a lot lately, given that we're working on a game for Freshly Squeezed Software!), occasionally (more often) I'll play one on my gaming consoles. Very seldom do I play […]